My custom mando


New Hunter
WOW, Im so glad to have found this place!!:thumbsup: Well, Here is my very first Mando! I've been working on it for a while now, thinking of custom color schemes, and thinking of what weapons I should use. I still need to make a vest, belt, and jet pack. For the weapon I am using Jango's Westar-34's. please fill free send some feedback.
(Hopefully the pictrues came out)
Sorry about that.


I like it...but I am partial to reds, greys, and silvers. I could see it all on top of a dark grey flightsuit or a black or olived drab one.

Looks good:thumbsup:

WOW! That looks spectacular!:)

I love the colours and the lines...can't wait to see it finished!
What colour flightsuit are you planning on using?
Do you have pics of the helmet from another angle?
I gotta say, I've seen a lot of custom mando's and that is a great job. The colour scheme is amazing! I can't wait to see it all kitted up!
nice! that's a very similar color scheme as the one i was planning for my own custom. lots of reds and blacks on silver. my only criticism is that you can see the original green of the helmet through all the scratches, and it looks a little odd. other than that, gorgeous!
Oh Yeah, I just was'nt thinking when i painted the helmet. I was too excited cause it was my first helmet. I might change that a little later, but thanks for all the compliments:lol: .
By the way it'll be a black flightsuit.
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