Active Hunter
Well folks, I just arrived back to my hotel from the MR members party here in LA:cheers On display were many of the new helmets due to arrive at some point this year...including the Fett helmet. I had the good fortune to check out the Fett first hand, here are some observations...the helmet has a wonderful heaft to it and is well padded, however the light was poor so sadly I cannot comment on the overall color of the helmet. The RF does have working lights when positioned at three o'clock and turn off in the up right position. My number one concern was the size of the helmet...well that is until I put the bucket on. Yes folks, I had the balls to remove it from its stand and try it on my own mellon A little back story...several months back I was at a event with Jangos Kid who has a MSH2 and oddly I was not able to get the helmet on (all the way). I am happy to report that it was NO problem for me to get the MR helmet all the way on...AND IT FELT GREAT!! My nose was'nt smashed into the visior either. Beleive me when I say that if I can wear this helmet, any one can wear it. Just a side note...the same it true for the Trooper hemet