MLC-style sculpture with dp \'95 - updated 9/17/03

  • Thread starter Thread starter rdpmackie
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It's going to be awesome when you finally get it shaped correctly, primed, painted, weathered, and constructed. Not only will you have a great helmet, but when you wear it, you'll be able to say to yourself: "I made this. I actually made it!". Awesome job!
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Thanks for the compliments guys! I really appreciate it.

The whole idea of making everything is out of financial necessity, but it does give me a warm fuzzy feeling , and a sense of pride. Many people that have the money don't have the time, so I'm not knocking people who buy stuff either.

It will be very cool to say 'I made it from scratch' next year at dragon con atlanta when people ask me what my helmet is.
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I'd love to see a new straight on shot since the changes have been made. If possible please put it up on a small post of something so the helmet hangs down naturally instead of sitting it on a table. That will make it easier to compare... :) GREAT job so far!!!
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Nice job! That helmet looks rad! I wanted to start on one of these myself, but just haven't found the time. But yours is coming out nicely, and with the minor adjustments, I'd say you have a sweet bucket there! :cheers
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MY God! :cheers:cheers:cheers

I just busted the sculpture out of the mold, and it came out perrrfect!!! I was making poopie on myself the last few days worrying about it. I knew I was going to have to destroy the original to get the mold off, and I wasn't looking forward to spending another solid week building another.

I'll Post some pics of the mold.

I totally forgot to add some pics of the dent and ckeek'll have to wait for a pic of my first casting.

Looks like the motto in my sig really is true!
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