Jodo Kast Mandalorian jodo helmet done w/pics


Active Hunter
Sorry admins if this isnt the right place for this.Wasnt sure what section to post this in.


Here is my jodo helmet pretty much done.i still need to snap out a little piece on each side of the eye section.I wish you could see the paint up close what i did was painted it a gloss grey and then misted it with a true blue from about 3 feet away.This gave it a really cool effect which the pics dont pick up.The upper cheeks were a color I custom mixed which turned out to be like a slate blue/grey.the face plate is a safety yellow and the earcaps are silver.I used the pic for reference that is above and was part of my original post.I saw alot of diffrent versions and paint schemes from the comic books but i decided to go with the above picture which i think is a rpg card.There is no t-visor yet.I'll need to find someone hopefully on here to make me a custom one for this helmet because this is the one i scratch built from bondo and cast in fiberglass.Its a really big helmet.Not a 100% accurate but I like it size wise and shape wise.Anyway heres the pics.
Funny, those aren't the colors used in the comic. Just wait for Jodo Kast 3 to spy this thread; he can tell you the colors for just about any part. :)
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Well, since the colors vary so much throughout the comic, you can just about use any near color. I interpreted it as a grayish camo green for the dome, a charcoal color for upper cheeks, and a hunter green on the back. The visor I saw as Popsicle orange with some yellows misted on. I think the colors can be changed around, since there is no absolute reference.
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You scratch built that sucker from bondo?? Very well done!!!!! It is truly an eye-grabbing bucket man! The proportions may be off just a tad, but it has a sleek look to it. I really like your interpretation of the color scheme as well. What are your plans for weathering? Great job bud. Make shure to post more pics when you get a visor installed. :thumbsup:

Jango's kid wrote:

You scratch built that sucker from bondo?? Very well done!!!!! It is truly an eye-grabbing bucket man! The proportions may be off just a tad, but it has a sleek look to it. I really like your interpretation of the color scheme as well. What are your plans for weathering? Great job bud. Make shure to post more pics when you get a visor installed. :thumbsup:
Thanks the pics actually throw off the real shape of the helmet as my phot program stinks and when i resize stuff it messes with the height and width so some pics the helmet looks tall and narrow and some look short and to wide weird.The true proportions are very close to my deluxe fg Post boba I have.As far as weathering goes I dont think I'll do much it looks good to me the way it is I may add a few dings and scratches.Thanks for the compliments:)

Sweet!!! Another Jodo!!!!I see you went with the Decipher card version of Jodo Kast...very cool. The helmet looks great and good job on the construction of it out of bondo.
For mine, I went with the Twin Engines of Destruction version:


And here`s the pic I`ve been using to create my costume from the comic Twin Engines of Destruction:


Are you going to do a complete version of the outfit?

And welcome to the Jodo club!!!

Very nice Helmet... I like the scheme.. makes me almost want to do a Jodo. But I want to know how in the heck did you sculpt that out of Bondo?

Jodo Kast 3 wrote:


Sweet!!! Another Jodo!!!!I see you went with the Decipher card version of Jodo Kast...very cool. The helmet looks great and good job on the construction of it out of bondo.
For mine, I went with the Twin Engines of Destruction version:


And here`s the pic I`ve been using to create my costume from the comic Twin Engines of Destruction:


Are you going to do a complete version of the outfit?

And welcome to the Jodo club!!!
I looked(drooled) over your helmet and costume in general so far totally awesome!!! i think I might cast another bucket and do one like yours next.:)-Jason

Fett4u wrote:

Very nice Helmet... I like the scheme.. makes me almost want to do a Jodo. But I want to know how in the heck did you sculpt that out of Bondo?
without making this to long basically I used a real bucket not the slang term for a fett helmet lol but a real bucket as a base to sculpt over.I then slowly built up the bondo in layers until i got the basic size and shape and then started carving in the details. i used measurements from my fg deluxe post boba helmet and stole some parts from a rubies jango helmet which i incorperated into the sculpt as well as some peices from a dp boba helmet.The pics like i have said before stink because they dont show the true shape of the helmet the helmet in the pics look like its to wide and the dome to short.Thats my fault when i resized the pics for the collage i messed with the height and width making them look kinda off but any way.the whole thing took about a month and about a gallon of bondo and a ton of sand paper as well as lots of asprin for my cramped hands from all that sanding. it was fun though.i made a silicone one piece mold and now am able to cast copies in gelcoated fiberglass.
Thanks to all eho have posted.To the jodo experts do you guys know if there are any kill marks on the helmet? I see the twin engines of destruction version has them and Im assuming the one I did has them ???? but as you can teel from the pic i used for reference its really hard to make out any small details.If anyone knows let me know.Thanks

As far as I`ve seen, that version of the Jodo helmet does not have any of the rectangular kill marks on the side. But that does`nt mean you could`nt add them to it.
I can honestly say, you`re the first to do a Decipher Card version of the Jodo helmet...its very cool!
So, still undecided on doing the rest of the costume from that version?

Keep us updated!!

yes I would like to do a full costume.I am working on the molds right now so i can cast the armor pieces in fiberglass.I am working on a boba and jango costume as well for my sons to wear for halloween.
I think I might add the kill marks on the helmet anyway as well as maybe some damage,but i kinda like the look of the clean paint job.
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