Dha Syntir
Active Hunter
I posted a similar thread in the soft parts section and I think it went over some heads. They were probably thinking I was talking about martial arts weapons...
I know some of you may be thinking about creating a Mando belt spat, more commonly known as a Kama for your customs. Have any of you gone ahead and made your own already, or are you in the planning stages before sewing it? I've been drawing different designs, trying to stay away from the ARC Troopers style kama and do something kind of like Demagol's kama in KOTOR issue 10, or something along those lines...I'd love to see some of your designs and any finished products you may have created or future designs you plan on making. Could you post them here for everyone else's benefit as well? I think I'm going to go for a faux leather/vinyl one due to the cost of messing up an expensive piece of leather. I should have gotten my butt deer hunting this year so I could have tanned the hides, dyed them and used them for my kama-alotta work but it's my favorite price!
Have a great day guys, and thanks in advance for any kama pics you may choose to post!