Magnets Tutoral help!!!!


Active Hunter
hey guys, i have seen many people using the high power magnets to attach the armor. i have heard many good results. i just finished ripping off all my velcro on my armor. i heard that it works fine, but, the magnets work better. anyway, does anyone have any info on this. i have looked on TK-409's site, and he is working on it. i was just do i use it, placement, attachments to vest and armor, etc.., where do i get these high power magnets...and so on. thanks for all the help.
My second set of armor I used the magnet method. I don't have the pics anymore since I long ago sold that set. Basically it consisted of outer plates which I glued magnets to & an inner plate which had a second set of magnets. The vest material just sandwiched in between & a piece of velcro was added for insurance. If a plate corner popped off it would just snap back into place. It ended up being pretty heavy so if I were going to do it again. I would scrap the inner plates & sew the magnets into little pouches & attach those to the outside of the vest. It was a promising method & I still use magnets to hold my gauntlets closed.
That would probably work fine. I guess it depends on what your armor is made from. Sintra would be heavier than styrene & would require more holding power. The magnets I used were also rare earth magnets that I had to special order & they are VERY magnetic. They were not off the shelf items from Home Depot. I tried those & they wouldn't hold up my first armor set.
I found some super magnets at a hobbylobby store and they hold very strongly. they are awesome. The velcro holds, but does not do what needs to be done.

I will use them for every bit of my armor.

I used 5-min. Epoxy. putit where I wanted the magnets, On the corners mainly. Then I glued them in place. Then used a little velcro to hold the armor in the right spots. and then on the back side of the vest I attached the magnets. the stuck, and are not coming off by accident. I thought about sewing them in little pockets. But, I do not think that would wash well. so when the armor has to be removed I can just remove the magnets on the back.

I think this is a great meathod.
hey guys, sounds like most of you know what you are doing. do any of you have any pics? also, i have bought a chest light set, and it is attached to my armor. i have built a little box arround the LED lights, and have placed velcro on it and have stuck it onto the armor. will the high power magnets interfear with the chest lights? will it effect it at the switching of the # and letters? just would like to know before i try it. also, is there a store i can buy these magnets at, or a site to buy them from? i'd perfer a in town store.
You might try craft stores such as Hobby Lobby or Michaels. Or try Hobby shops that sell plastic kits, hobby paints and such. Or TK409 has a link on his site to get them online.

Lemme know how it goes, I'm willing to try this too.

well, what do you guys think about the chest lights...will it effect it...? my armor is made out of aluminum, so, i was thinking it might harm the chest lights.
okay guys....i just epoxyd the magnets onto the armor. they are really strong, so i will probably use a peice of metal on my vest to attach the armor. i already cut out the peices of metal, and it works great....well, i glued some onto some poster board to see if the armor would hold on. i shuck it arround, and it worked great. 1 do it attach the peices onto the vest.....epoxy, sew little pouches......what. thanks,

I would make some little squares of cloth (slightly larger than the magnets) and use fabric glue to glue the magnet into a little pouch. That way you would not have to sew them into a pouch. The fabric glue works great and still holds perfectly after washing. The stuff has to dry for a few hours though.
I just slapped the magnets on the back of the vest, but they can get stuck to each other very easy and get moved around because of that. So I think that I will deffinantly put a little cover over them.
Hey Cal196,

Is there a store that sells these magnets? Wal Mart, Target, Big Lots? It needs to be a chain store that has a presence in Dallas. Anyone know? Thanks.


cal196 said:
I just ordered a box of 50 myself
Cal196, I guess I should have read the whole string. Thanks anyway. I have a HobbyLobby 2 blocks from my house. Yay! Plus that little Boba armor I made last month...the family is coming over today and they are bringing the boy and the armor! - the boy's mother was like what the heck? Sintra-wha? snap tutorial-wha? I have no idea what you are talking about. - I will fix him up, add a little battle damage, and he will be good to go!

soilman said:
I found some super magnets at a hobbylobby store and they hold very strongly. they are awesome. The velcro holds, but does not do what needs to be done.

I will use them for every bit of my armor.

I used 5-min. Epoxy. putit where I wanted the magnets, On the corners mainly. Then I glued them in place. Then used a little velcro to hold the armor in the right spots. and then on the back side of the vest I attached the magnets. the stuck, and are not coming off by accident. I thought about sewing them in little pockets. But, I do not think that would wash well. so when the armor has to be removed I can just remove the magnets on the back.

I think this is a great meathod.
I bought mine at Hobby Lobby, Its pretty cheap ( only a couple bucks). The stuff works great. Ive used it all over my jumpsuit and vest so far and no problems whatsoever.

Any fabrick store, walmart will have it.
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