look at what i got...

The project is looking good! Bummer about the inside liner.

BTW, as a sub plot to this story: What do you do for a living? Those hours suck, especially on salary.
hey tusk, thanks. im a kitchen manager, right now i have two cooks who know what they are doing, my breakfast cook and me. i have no prep cook (as of yet) and 5 new people im training. so all in all it will get better as these people get trained up then i wont have to go in as much. ive had 13 people apply this week alone, but only kept two. my interview is simple; if you say you can make a hand tossed pizza, i pull out a dough ball, if you cant strech it, you dont pass. if you say you can make a veal marsala, i let you. if you mess up you dont pass. better to see what you can do before i hire them than get them on the payroll and have to let em go. and the salary im making now is worth it. i showed the new owners one of my old pay stubs, they said this is what you get every two weeks. i was like yep. they said we'll give you that every week. so it isnt soo bad. and after we "reopen under new ownership" (sometime after chirstmas) im supposed to get another raise.so it will all work out in the long run. then hopefully ill have more time for my boba...lol

o.k. call me a bum but i slept most of today away :lol: woke up started taping the killstripes. got to be a pain so i printed some up (i think they are a tad too small) but im gonna run with em. slapped on some masking fluid, some orange, and misted over them with a red. kinda letting them dry a bit hopefully ill have some pictures tonight. but who knows:lol:

small update. havent done anything. call me a bum. its cool. working on a major project thats been two years in the works (getting my drivers licence back). as of today..err..umm..yesterday i have two steps to go. so right now the helmet is on hold. hopefully i will pick it back up in Jan. and add a few touches to it and be done.i should be up and driving again by the first weekend of Jan. then i can work on the rest of my fett, if i get time off from work. i fired all but 3 people. gotta start over and ive had 3 days off since the new owners took over, thanksgiving-we closed a day to remodel-and christmas day. hopefully i will get some good people soon and will be able to take a day or two off a week and work on fett. but i dont see it anytime soon, wish me luck

thanks sniffer!! i had sunday off, didnt work on boba, went and played golf instead. shot a 430 and that was on the front 9. :lol: :lol: :lol: anyways i was reading some of my older post. i have "the boba bug" when im mad cause i have to work and dont have time to work on boba. i wonder if they make a pill for that. worked today and it was really sorry!! had to open which was at 6am so i had to be there at 5am. then we had a new years lunch: collard greens, black eyed peas, rice, and cornbread all for $.99. (if you wanna add a porkchop its 5.45) starting at 11 the orders started rolling in and they where getting two/three plates a person. around 2 it started to slow down a bit, but it picked back up around 4 and lasted till about 8. after that i was dog tired. we shut down early cause i had been working my buns off all day. and i finally got out of there at 10pm. makes for a long day. but i get to sleep in a bit tomorrow, dont have to go to work till 12 instead of 10. anyways im babbling (lack of sleep will do that). ill TRY to have some pictures up soon. not happy with the RF. i put a bolt to hold it on. if i move it down it makes the nut loose and then it just falls on its own. anyone got a tip on that???? any help would do. share your insights.

packed boba away:( thats right put em in a box and set it off to the side. im packing all my stuff and moving home. finally after two LONG years i get to go home :thumbsup: started packing this morning before work and not even 1/12th of the way there. man its crazy how much stuff you collect in 26 months time. anyways wish me luck.

packed boba away:( thats right put em in a box and set it off to the side. im packing all my stuff and moving home. finally after two LONG years i get to go home :thumbsup: started packing this morning before work and not even 1/12th of the way there. man its crazy how much stuff you collect in 26 months time. anyways wish me luck.


It is ok my dear brother. You do not need to provide any expanation to the TDH Message board. Sometimes, we need to learn to sniff away from the projects we love.

And with that said:

Sniff on my dear brother!

SNIFF ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)
UPDATE:::: finally got everything moved in and unpacked. started throwing together a pvc mannaquin. did a little bit of work on my helmet and some other things i have, hopefully ill be able to slap it together and post a few pics soon. i am ready to call this project done and move on to something else. its not that i dont like it. it seems that everytime i think im "finished" i notice another thing on boba that i dont have lol. well i gotta head off to work. more updates and pics to come

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