look at this and try not to laugh

Laughing so hard im crying, at the replies and the helmet
Im a newbie and dont know much but that is a sad diplay of workmanship...if any!
You guys are hilarious....keep em coming
I wrote a review.... but some how it just vanished...... Strange:lol:
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It looks like someone left it in a trunk of a car on a really hot day! What's really bad about it is that they claim it's from a screen used helmet.
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still... rubies isn' t all crud... I mean I used the Rubies Jango Fett for my first Fett and I believe there's still someone enjoying it.

the Boba is bad though...

still... I think I could make it work... could...
still... rubies isn' t all crud... I mean I used the Rubies Jango Fett for my first Fett and I believe there's still someone enjoying it.

the Boba is bad though...

still... I think I could make it work... could...

I'm really enjoying your first helmet Rick!!!
You did a GREAT job!
Well... from a "certain point of view" it could be argued that the helmet indeed can claim its origins from an original casting of the PP2.... I know... I just have to ruin everyone's fun....
Whilst on the subject of what is or isn't a quality helmet, can I get someones take on a bucket I just bought on eBay. Other than the paint job what do yall think? It's a Don Post 1996 reproduction hemet.

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I think the DP 96 is pretty good... but I'm rusty at it though... the 97 was bad... which is the one Rubies copied from DP and with the 95 and 96 theirs some differences depending on if it's a white or green interior. (need some help here... pro's?)

overall, they're all not too big, but if your not either, you can get away with it.

I'd go for that one, if it is reasonably prized.

alot of people say it's better to cash up and buy the better props at once, but I found my first bucket irreplacable in terms of the painting skills I learned of it. I was able to use those skills in my second (which was a BM) and it shows.

thanks DF :D
You certainly could have done worse, but most people don't look at the DP standard lines as very good quality helmets. Still, you can rework it and turn it into something good. The biggest problem I have seen is the tenancy of these helmets to warp over time.

Whilst on the subject of what is or isn't a quality helmet, can I get someones take on a bucket I just bought on eBay. Other than the paint job what do yall think? It's a Don Post 1996 reproduction hemet.



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Thanks for the input guys. Either way I feel like I made a good purchase. It will sit nicely with my DP Vader helmet until I get a chance to work on it. If someone could point me in the right direction for the reworking of the helmet, minus the paint, that would be appreciated greatly.

On topic: If that helmet wasn't made from a salad bowl, then I'm a garden gnome.
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Hey, what's wrong with Garden Gnomes and their plots for world domination?

*veering completely off topic for a moment*

OK, so we all have a neighbor we despise, right? Right, well, here's a plan I've had for scaring them away either to another neighborhood or to the nearest psych ward. Get a lot of garden gnomes, and place them just outside their property, all facing in towards their house (preferably, the front door). Then, in small increments, move them closer, like maybe 4"-1' a week. Now, you'll have to do this completely in the pitch black of night, but keep moving them, bit by bit. Eventually, when they get close enough, have a battalion surround their car with their spades painted a shiny silver, all facing the car, and the rest facing doors and windows, and have all their eyes painted red.

EDIT: yeah, I'm a nutjob, aren't I?
Well I sent them an email saying what they say is misleading. I just dont think it's cool to have someone think they are getting an accurate helmet from "lucas molds" when it's just a rubies piece of junk. They took out the mold part and sent me an email asking if I was the one making all the bad reviews haha. I never even made a review. I believe they actually put the reviews up now. I see 3 that are bad reviews. Their description now fits the helmet well.
You certainly could have done worse, but most people don't look at the DP standard lines as very good quality helmets. Still, you can rework it and turn it into something good. The biggest problem I have seen is the tenancy of these helmets to warp over time.

they are made of a very soft sort of vinyl... plastic...

can't the warping be prevented if you put in some fiberglass on the inside, or doesn't it cure well on the inside of the bucket?
Hey, what's wrong with Garden Gnomes and their plots for world domination?

*veering completely off topic for a moment*

OK, so we all have a neighbor we despise, right? Right, well, here's a plan I've had for scaring them away either to another neighborhood or to the nearest psych ward. Get a lot of garden gnomes, and place them just outside their property, all facing in towards their house (preferably, the front door). Then, in small increments, move them closer, like maybe 4"-1' a week. Now, you'll have to do this completely in the pitch black of night, but keep moving them, bit by bit. Eventually, when they get close enough, have a battalion surround their car with their spades painted a shiny silver, all facing the car, and the rest facing doors and windows, and have all their eyes painted red.

EDIT: yeah, I'm a nutjob, aren't I?

It just might work...:lol:
I like how they changed the description but not the price. Good thing you folks caught this and posted warnings so people don't get unwittingly ripped off.

And the gnome thing, just creepy! If it were my house, I'd be out there with a baseball bat destroying the little *monsters*.
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