Liquid Mask results


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I started this thread as to not hijack anyone elses. I used Spideyfett's layering method to paint my armor so far. I used a base coat of Testors Chrome spray paint, then painted on the liquid latex masking fluid (Susan Scheewe Blue Masking Fluid). After airbrushing the US Medium Green, I picked a small bit of paint off of the latex. Then the trick, a rubber cement eraser (again thanks to Spideyfett). That thing sticks to the masking fluid like a magnet! It comes off super easy and in a very easy to control manner. Just make sure that when you paint on the fluid, you put it exactly where you want it.



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Did you have any problems with the mask lifting off while you were applying it? I'm in the middle of using this stuff.. I've been putting it on with a very small brush and a toothpick, trying to get the tiny details exact.. It dries so quickly though, and no matter how light I try to be, the dried parts keep sticking to my brush and I end up pulling it off.. so basically, everytime I put some down, I take some off.. any tips on applying this stuff?

lookin great so far

What I did was put it on as thick as possible. A few times it would try to lift with me and I would have to go back over it. If it is not flowing right off your brush then you need more on there. Eventually, I had to clean my brush off as a glob had dried on the end. I used a #0 brush to apply all of it so far.
Tension113 said:
Did you have any problems with the mask lifting off while you were applying it? I'm in the middle of using this stuff.. I've been putting it on with a very small brush and a toothpick, trying to get the tiny details exact.. It dries so quickly though, and no matter how light I try to be, the dried parts keep sticking to my brush and I end up pulling it off.. so basically, everytime I put some down, I take some off.. any tips on applying this stuff?

lookin great so far


What brand of liquid mask are you using? The type I bought actually has some ammonia added to keep it more "liquidy". Just a tiny amount, you can kind of smell it when the bottle is open, but it's not overpowering or anything.
It still dries within a few minutes, but it makes it easier to brush on.

Oh yeah, Pavespawn, like I said in the other thread, looks great! Did you use Testors MM U.S. med green? They have it in bottles and spray cans at my Hobbytown shop. Or is it Floquil/Polly S med green?
I'm using Windsor and Newton.. that's what everyone seems to swear by.. since the details were so small, I didn't want to make it too thick on the brush, but it seemed to be drying as I was brushing it on.. I'll have a 2nd go at it, a little thicker this time..
That's what I used on my helmet also. Didn't have any trouble keeping it "wet". Weird.
One recommendation I've heard is to take a small bowl of water with a DROP of dishwashing liquid and dip your brush in that every few minutes, to help keep the brush wet. That worked really well for me.
I'll be doing the entire armor topically when I get my FP stuff, of course there will be pics. I've totaly abandonded the layered method now.
I'll be doing the entire armor topically when I get my FP stuff, of course there will be pics. I've totaly abandonded the layered method now.

I think you're right Marrow:thumbsup: .....I would guess that about 90% of all the major painting on the ARMOR is Topically....again just from looking at the REF Photos..
The fluid I use is called Susan Scheewe Blue Masking Fluid. It has a little blue dye to make it show up better. I used Polly US medium green and I think MM yellow zinc chromate on the armor. I will post some pictures of my progress in a seperate thread.

superjedi said:
What brand of liquid mask are you using? The type I bought actually has some ammonia added to keep it more "liquidy". Just a tiny amount, you can kind of smell it when the bottle is open, but it's not overpowering or anything.
It still dries within a few minutes, but it makes it easier to brush on.

Oh yeah, Pavespawn, like I said in the other thread, looks great! Did you use Testors MM U.S. med green? They have it in bottles and spray cans at my Hobbytown shop. Or is it Floquil/Polly S med green?
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