Let's see your access pannels


Jr Hunter
I have an MB 03 version jet pack and I'm ready to install the access panel. I have plenty of idea's racing through my head on how to put the door on, hinges, vecro, screws, etc. etc. The MB packs look like the door is raised up to hold the pack off your back a little, unlike the MLC pack that has a flush pannel. So no matter what kind of pack you have, how are you attaching you door?
For those of you guys with MLC packs I would like to see yours as well. I'm trying to decide how to attach mine right now also. I'm afraid velcro wouldn't hold well enough...it kind of depends on where the straps for the harness end up going.
Here's mine (MLC):
2.0jet pack22.JPG

2.0jet pack24.JPG

One note- I used snaps on the straps and at some point one of the sides unsnapped on Friday of D-con and so it was lopsided. For Saturday night, I also safety pinned each side so that wouldn't happen. I also intend to now add a third strap- bottom center like the real Jango has so my pack doesn't move around as much. It is so light that it does tend to move easily.
Mirax, did you just let your straps come out through the access port or did you cut some key slots for them to exit from? If you just let them come out the access pannel is the velcro strong enough to hold everything in place without the jet pack falling off and upside down?

You can kinda see in the first picture that the straps pass through holes cut in the back cover panel and they attach to the straps on my harness system. Worked great!
You don't have a problem with the weight of the jet pack trying to pull the entire cover panel off? I would hate to be walking through a con and have my pack fall off with only the panel still on the straps! Did you have any other mechanism other than the velcro holding the panel on?
Just velcro and since the pack only weighs like 3.5 lbs, no problem at all with it pulling the panel off. Wore it most of Friday and quite a bit on Saturday pm at D-Con as well with no problem.
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