JW03's Custom Mando


Active Hunter
Hey guys,

I finally started a new custom (didn't like the way the last one was turning out...). I've been working on it for four days now, and have made some progress, and am quite happy with what I've got so far (first time I've successfully bent this much plastic:D). So far everything (but the knees), is primered and ready to paint, but I still have to get the backplate(probably going to buy a vac formed one, b/c I can't seem to make one...:cry) and a cod, which I may start tomorrow.

This is the concept of what I'm doing...

This is what I have done (this is actually my dad's helmet, and this is a test fitting, but I will attatch everything with snaps when they are fully painted/weathered)You can't tell in the first pic, but the jumpsuit is blue and the vest is black.You can tell better in the second pic.

Any comments/suggestions are appreciated.


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Thanks for the comments guys!
Forgot to put this up yesterday, this is my mando's pistol...Havn't started the paint job for it yet...


It's the one from the 5th element.
I've done a little work on the knees the past couple of days, and pretty much made them from scratch. They aren't perfect, but I can always upgrade to vac-formed if I need to.

They're made of sintra.

I used WOF templates




I'm generally pleased with them as this is my first attempt.:) All I have left to do to them is paint/weather them, and add elastic/velro(or snaps) to them, and add my darts to them of course.
Hey, that's a Vector CP-1! Those are fantastic looking little pistols, though they were recalled for alot of malfunctions, and are even used on the new Galactica series. Loved what you did with, very cool. :thumbsup:
You mean this? The gun above is a resin cast that I bought about a year ago, it's the one from the 5th Element, Korben Dallas' gun. I plan on modding it a little bit more, and adding a laser, and led's, but I'm not sure yet exactly where I plan to do so.

Earlier I posted that I was probably going to purchase a vac-formed backplate. However, I decided, "I've got enough plastic, why not try one and see how it goes..." Well mayber an hour and thirty minutes later, I formed one that I am actually happy with, so I may use that:thumbsup:! I'll post pics tomorrow afternoon.
As promised, Backplate pics. Lemme know what you think!

And some other pics. Still havn't painted anything, so that's primer, not the final color:p All I gotta do now is a cod; I may attempt one, but I don't think I'll do too well:facepalm, so I'll probably get a vac formed one later. You can see the jumpsuit alot better in these ones. I'm gonna end up getting different gloves, as these ones are just too bright:)

That's it for now! Lemme know what ya'll think:D
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Finally, an update :D. I (with the help of SaxeCoburg) got around to painting/weathering the armor. I still gotta do the gauntlets, and get a cod and girth belt (the cape is being worked on sometime). These pics don't have the vest in them (forgot to put it with them).
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