Just FYI for screen accurate

I wasn't sure where to post this but it mostly concerns the helmet. I was doing research in the movies on how to damage my helmet. I'm shooting for a ROTJ:SE costume. So ROTJ everything but ESB bucket. Here is the thing, there is only ONE shot in all of ROTJ SE that has the ESB bucket and that is right after Boussh/Leia comes in with Chewie, all others are original ROTJ helmets. Rather inconsistent to cuz the helmet changes back like nothing ever happened.

It turns out however that the ESB costume is not the first screen used costume. It is #2 except for the jet pack. The reason I say this is Boba is wearing a mostly ROTJ style costume in ANH:SE when Han is talking to Jabba. That scene was orginally shot in 1977 for Star Wars but was cut in post-prod making that Fett costume the first before ESB.

I've included the best shot of Boba Fett from that scene. The arrows point everything out and it's all labeled according to the movie we most attribute the styles to.

It would appear that the ROTJ helm, gauntlets, cape, ammo belt, and EE-3 were the first costume parts to ever be used for the screen (even though they weren't seen until 1997).
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ya thats an added scean Boba & jaba were digitaly added into the scean.. oh & thats a ROTJ jet pack. its not all one uniform color. the best evedence to this is the silver rocket
Really it was hard to tell on the jet pack. From the back it looked all green. The lighting isn't the best.

It still doesn't make any sense in the oddball change of helmets from movie to movie. They are obviously painted and damaged differently with the exception of The Dent. But then to my relief the ESB helmet is still #1 :)
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Fett in the ANH SE scene was played by ILM employee Mark Austin. It was shot in front of a blue screen and composited into the special edition. Fett was never in the scene when it was originally shot.
Like this one right???



No it's not a recast...The helmet is wider than the Donpost. This one is more movie accurate.
Ok, ok gotcha Fett was composited in. I watched the scene a few more times and now I can see where he was digitally put in place. The tell tale fake shadows where he first steps into the scene at the beginning give that away.

Still fricken stuipid on why the helmets change paint schemes so much though. Like we wouldn't notice.

It just does not seem plausible that Boba Fett would have two completely different helmets with different colors and different damage points, but still be DENTED in the EXACT SAME PLACE. Maybe he just got lucky at the Tatooine Mandalorian swap meet :)
MOSHI said:
Like this one right???



No it's not a recast...The helmet is wider than the Donpost. This one is more movie accurate.
Dude, NO! Did you make that bucket with your own hands?!? If not step the heck down! Go home.
Perfect example of a shameless hijack plug.
Back on track.
I don't have my reference CD unpacked, but isn't there a pic of Mark Austin suited up with the helmet off from the SE shoot?
The use of the "wrong" helmets in the ANH and ROTJ special editions is just a bad continuity error on the part of Lucasfilm, simple as that.

The infamous "mirrored Fett" inside Jabbas palace is also due to a basic oversight during filming. Fett was filmed from the wrong side of the "line of action", which when cut together gave the appearence that Fett and Bousch/Chewie were looking in the same direction and not at each other. Since this didn't look right, they flipped the shot which gave the illusion Fett was looking at Bousch. With a normal person it can be easy to get away with this but because Fetts costume is not symetrical (the rangefinder is the biggest giveaway), it looks strange.

Its kinda hard to explain the line of action rule but its pretty straight forward in practice.
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Well even with the dumb continuity errors, it is plausible to believe that Fett as an experienced bounty hunter would have duplicates and extras of different parts of equipment like the JP, gauntlets, ammo belt, and blaster.

My only problem is with the uncannyness of the change in helmet configurations. I mean it was what, one year after the release of ESB that they started working on ROTJ. It's not like the old costume props weren't there. They had to make a completely conscious decision to change the helmet in both the ANH shot and the ROTJ shot.

I'll bet they just mixed up the helmets for the SE shots and it was too late to worry about fixing them. Still ESB is the bomb!!!
Actually, the ESB is in TWO shots in the ROTJ:SE, not ONE. There is an insert of him walking behind Jabba that was added using the ESB helmet.
Agreed, though I do think it's funny that the SE corrections produce continuity errors in regard to the costumes. If the fix the fixes, who wants to bet the fixes would need fixing?
cookiemongoloid said:
I think that when they made the ANH insert, they should have used Boba's ESB armor, it would be more logical.
LFL isn't logical. Heck, they even used a RotJ type helmet and armor for the base of Vader in RotS that completely screw up the continuity from RotS to ANH to ESB to RotJ. Symmetrical RotJ style to asymmetrical ANH. LFL doesn't care and neither does most people. All they see are Darth Vader and Boba Fett... they don't see the details. :cheers
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