Judge Valcar = 2000ad Crossover Project

Darth Valcar

Active Hunter
Well I have now started my 2000ad Crossover Project. This is going to be a Judge Dredd style type crossover but still keeping the Mando Armour style also. I will update with some progress work as I work on this project.
Im not trying to create a Dredd just a Judge thats all. New Updates to follow....

2000 AD Crossover Project.jpg
Here are some outfit outlines that I have drawn up for this Project on my laptop.. They show the Armour layout from both Front and Back views.
The Yellow in the Helmet will be Gold in colour in the paint job stage.

Mando Complete Outfit Outline New small .jpg

Mando Complete Outfit Outline New small back.jpg

Helmet Pic.jpg
I have been doing a little work on the Judge Helmet over the weekend. I have cut out the Helmet front logo. I have also fixed it to the Helmet, and I have been building up the base to hold it onto the Helmet and give it the raised look... Here are a few pics of the progress so far....




I have finished the logo basing. And have given the Helmet a few coats of Black primer, after a short while sanding down.... here si the work done so far at this point....




I was not sure what to think at first. Now that I have seen your drawings, I like it. What are you going to use for the rest of the colors?
I do love a project when i get started Asylum... hehe. As for the way its going to turn out here is a coloured version of my outlines before... the yellow will be replaced with the colour Gold.....

Judge Valcar Front & Back.jpg
Here also is my Lawgiver, that I have made from my spare shoutgun from my Sniper outfit.. I have added a before pic, taken when i was doing my Sniper Mando..... I do have progress shots if needed.....

Blaster Pistol.jpg


All I now need to do to the Armour above is to paint the straps Gold in colour. Each section of the Armour has a Red outter stripe the runs down the outside edage on both left and right sides when worn.... its coming alone great.....
The weather has not been all that today, but I was dry so that ment ok to get the Gold part of the Helmet done.... Here is todays outcome... And the Helmet is almost finished...... I have also put the test visor in the Helmet to show how it will work with the look..... Im going to work on the Rangefinder and the stork over the weekend..

Helmet Face 01.jpg

Helmet Back.jpg

Helmet Left Side.jpg

Helmet Right Side.jpg
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LOL at NovallTalon Now all you need is that flying motorcycle he had. Now the Helmet is almost done, I have turned now to making a Hoster for the Lawgiver. Here are some pics though progress. From the Drawing to the cit out and finished item...

Holster P1.jpg

Holster P2.jpg
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