Jeremy Bulloch just emailed me . . .

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. . . to see about getting a pair of my Boba Fett gloves. Apparently he tried on a pair of one of our board members' at a convention and now he wants a pair! Too funny!
Who's this Bulloch guy think he is . . tryin' to jump to the head of the line . . . . sheesh!


BobaFettish wrote:

Better get a stitchin' then so that he'll have them in time for the North Carolina gig.

That's why he was asking. He was wanting them to put with whatever costume Richie put together for him. But Richie already made arrangements for me to supply a pair of gloves last week, so Mr. Bulloch will already taken care of :D

Ironically, Mark Austin, who played BF in the ANH Special Edition also has a pair. However, neither that Logan kid from AOTC or Don Bies have hit me up for a pair yet ;)
How bout Dack (think thats spelled right)? I believe I read somewhere he donned the outfit also. I wanna say it was the Solo torture seen. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
That's right. He played him too, and I think it was the scene where he's talking to Lando and Vader, so yeah. The torture scene.

There is also the Elvis stuntman guy that I've seen pics of. And then there's the guy that did his voice. And if you want to get technical, there was the un-named first guy to put on the outfit for the pre-pro shots (anyone know who that was?), and whoever did his voice on the Holiday Special, and I believe Ed Bagley junior might have done his voice on the ESB radio show, and there was an extra part in the ROTJ radio show that used a voice actor.

Hmmm, lots of people have played Boba in some way or other.
And don't forget William Conrad, who played him on the old radio, wait, that was Matt Dillon, never mind.

I'm going to start a vicious rumor that DB Cooper was the guy in the pre-pro suit. Anybody else want in on this?

MegalomaniacalMandalore wrote:

I'm going to start a vicious rumor that DB Cooper was the guy in the pre-pro suit. Anybody else want in on this?

He's too busy spending Benjamins and giving parachute lessons in the Vegas desert!!!

Slave1 wrote:

That's right. He played him too, and I think it was the scene where he's talking to Lando and Vader, so yeah. The torture scene.

There is also the Elvis stuntman guy that I've seen pics of. And then there's the guy that did his voice. And if you want to get technical, there was the un-named first guy to put on the outfit for the pre-pro shots (anyone know who that was?), and whoever did his voice on the Holiday Special, and I believe Ed Bagley junior might have done his voice on the ESB radio show, and there was an extra part in the ROTJ radio show that used a voice actor.

Hmmm, lots of people have played Boba in some way or other.

wow :facepalm where do u guys get this information??? :cheers
Very cool!!! With all this prepwork that's going into the Fettsuit,this event going to be a swwwweeet time!

So, who else wishes they were going?

Seriously, Mr. Bulloch has told me a few different times at cons he loved my (Slave 1) gloves. Guess someone finally pointed him in the right direction to get a pair of his own. :lol:
That's why he was asking. He was wanting them to put with whatever costume Richie put together for him. But Richie already made arrangements for me to supply a pair of gloves last week, so Mr. Bulloch will already taken care of :D

someone tell this bulloch guy to make his own costume like everyone else.whats with all the accomodations?he acts like hes special or something :rolleyes :lol: :p
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Jeremy mentioned to me that he would like to have a completed suit rather than just the DP statue. He already has his a pair of MC's boots. Is Richie gonna be a nice guy and let him keep the suit?
I think they are gonna auction off the chance to have your picture taken with Jeremy Bulloch in the Fett armor, not the armor itself.
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