JB Weld + Plastic = Success?


Well-Known Hunter
Hey can I use JB Weld to attach the parts of my knee armor together? I believe it's Styrene (Spelling?). It's an MB kit. I don't want everything to start to melt away when I start to attach everything.
You can use JB Weld on plastic. I used JB Weld to glue some magnets and snaps to plastic. They won't ever come off. But I wouldn't use JB Weld for plastic to plastic.
I use CA glue/ accelerator on everything! Never had any problems. I used to pit together my Asok vac knees....no problems and they flex a lot.:thumbsup:
Man... you guys are tempting me to run out now. Scary things (aka people) happen at 3 AM in WalMart! (Not to say I haven't been there at such hours before).

I've heard that CA glue is great to use, as well as the accelerator. Is that available at WalMart at 3 AM as well?

Thanks for the help everyone!
it's basically super glue, but I don't know if you can get accelerator there. I like the CA bbecause you can get it in different thickness'. Do you have a hobby/train shop near by?
Hmm I know there are a few hobbie shops around, not as close as WalMart though! (And not open at 3 AM!). They are more for R/C Gizmo's though. Super glue will work. I know you can get it in several thicknesses as well.

Thanks for the info!
My knee parts are styrene. I glued the side pieces onto the knee plate with some plain ol' super glue and once they were dry,
I added some JB Weld over the joints.
I think it would take a nuclear explosion to break those bonds now! :)
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