Jango's Jumpsuit...

Ok. Couple of questions...
1. Is there an "official" suit? i.e. Jumpsuit make and color?
The one I currently have is a sort of a grey/blue/purple. It's an off brand, and it strikes me that a dickies suit or something might be better...

2. Is there an official color?
Can someone put it to bed.

Thank you.

JP in Atlanta.
JP In Atlanta said:
Ok. Couple of questions...
1. Is there an "official" suit? i.e. Jumpsuit make and color?
The one I currently have is a sort of a grey/blue/purple. It's an off brand, and it strikes me that a dickies suit or something might be better...

2. Is there an official color?
Can someone put it to bed.

Thank you.

JP in Atlanta.

1. No. There is no jumpsuit out there that is accurate as is. Even with extensive modification no jumpsuit that I have seen is 100% accurate. The most accurate jumpsuits are custom made.

2. There has been extensive debate about this as I'm sure you know. Some claim it's a steel blue, others say its purple. Having seen it in person it looks more purple to me. Maybe a lavender or periwinkle... Oz/zxwing got his jumpsuit color dead on perfect. There's a picture of him standing next to the real thing and their jumpsuit colors are identical.


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Yea, a purpleish-like jumpsuit could go good as a jango jumpsuit, but i think royal blue should do the trick. when it is in the sun, it looks more light-blue-ish. I'm not sure of what i said, though. i just thought of it cus of jangouri's costume. check out the thread and you'll see what i mean.
damn....that is an impressive costume....I WANT ONE! does anyone know the make of his helmet? or that vest...its those little things that are a pain in my <shift>244.
Thanks guys.

Thanks for posting Fox. You are right:

The Helm is heavily modified SFP. I made the vest. The armor is slightly modified JD.
hey guys I just ordered up this jumpsuit and it got it in the mail. it looks pretty friggin close for a storebought. all I had to do was remove the pockets (all exterior stitched) and remove the stitching that makes the permanent pleat down the front of each leg. otherwise the slate blue is friggin awesome. and the way it's made it isnt too baggy. if you take your measurements right it fits nice n snug. http://www.myjumpsuit.com/eppolstret1.html btw, the fabric matches the slate blue button- that blue,grey with a hint of purple. just an awesome color.
1978seymour said:
ok so how do you go about doing the stitched in sleeves?

What is "the seeker"?
Seeker is one of the most knowledgable Jango costumers on this site. Also talk to Cruzer and Mirax. They know what they're doin'.
Sean Solo said:
Seeker is one of the most knowledgable Jango costumers on this site. Also talk to Cruzer and Mirax. They know what they're doin'.

He IS the most knowledgeable Jango expert into this site. The guy has a sickness, *can you say OCD*

But yes, to date, Seeker does have the most accurate suit hands down. As far the jumpsuit though, after seeing it person it is more lavendar than expected, but I also noticed that it had been washed quite a bit...it was really fuzzy !
Thanks Sean for the comps. but I'm just a newbie who's barely starting to get the Jango details figured out by constantly studying the ref. cds

I definitely have to bow to the experts such as Seeker, xzwing, Foxbat, Mirax, and even Skalen now that he's been unleashed:D (hope I came close to spelling all of those names right without reference).

Cruzer said:
Thanks Sean for the comps. but I'm just a newbie who's barely starting to get the Jango details figured out by constantly studying the ref. cds

I definitely have to bow to the experts such as Seeker, xzwing, Foxbat, Mirax, and even Skalen now that he's been unleashed:D (hope I came close to spelling all of those names right without reference).


If you're a newb, what the hell am I? All I have is an ROTJ cape and a set of vacuformed chest armor (unpainted and untrimmed). :(
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