Jango Fett arena jet pack harness needed

Thanks Mirax H. I've tried to email BKBT. The last email I sent to him was on Oct. 25. I knew that he was backed up with Halloween orders. I only wanted to know how much it would be to save up some money for it. Though I haven't received a reply from him.
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I have lots of webbing and clips,and experience with attaching jetpax,so,if you tell me what you need,I might be able to sort you out with a good harness,for just the postage......
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:-/ well ozfettmaker sure knows what hes doing though, Highly reliable
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OZFettmaker wrote:

I have lots of webbing and clips,and experience with attaching jetpax,so,if you tell me what you need,I might be able to sort you out with a good harness,for just the postage......

How much OZFettmaker? Thanks. ;)
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jangofett76 wrote:

OZFettmaker wrote:

I have lots of webbing and clips,and experience with attaching jetpax,so,if you tell me what you need,I might be able to sort you out with a good harness,for just the postage......

How much OZFettmaker? Thanks. ;)

I heard OZFettmaker is in the hospital. Is there anybody else who makes a good jet pack harness? ;)
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I too am in need of a good harness. The one I made ahngs to low. I tried to copy the one Seeker had posted somewhere but I did not do a good job.
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bobafett669 wrote:

I too am in need of a good harness. The one I made ahngs to low. I tried to copy the one Seeker had posted somewhere but I did not do a good job.

Could someone try to find Seeker's post that bobafett669 mentioned? Thanks. ;)
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Sorry i let you hangout to dry,but i had to go do some hospital stuff,it wasn't planned,believe me.lol.
good to see your'e sorted out,now.:)
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Good to hear from you OZFettmaker. Hope you had a sape and happy holidays. Can you make a JF jet pack harness for me? Thanks. ;)
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