I wanted to cry

Bull Fett

New Hunter
Hey gang!
My wife saw the effort I was putting into a DP97, and decided to treat me to an early birthday present, and buy me a fiberglass "Mystery Helmet" off ebay. Money order was sent, and the day the helmet arrived via UPS, the driver informs me that "The box looks banged up a bit. Want to check it out?" I opened the box, and it LOOKED alright, but after he left, and I pulled it out, not only was it shattered, but a rain of fiberglass chips came pouring out as well. I felt ill. I had really looked forward to having something better than a DP 97, only to get this. I contacted the seller, showed him the pics, and he is going to be sending me a replacement, and tossing in a resin rangefinder and stalk as well. WHEW! Anyways, here's the pics:


Tell me you wouldnt cry seeing this?
Thankfully the seller is honorable! He told me the replacement would be sent out within the next week. Can't wait, but I am nervous as heck till it gets here, hopefully in ONE piece!!!
I'm getting a little teary-eyed, and it's not even my helmet. Sounds like you're dealing with an honorable seller, though. That makes a world of difference! Good luck!
What a piece of crap! Looks paper thin. What Ebayer sold you that? Was it either amiadfilter or r.fett37? I would get my money back and buy a good helmet from someone who knows how to fiberglass like JD
I've Honestly thrown helmets against the wall in fits if RAGE and caused less damage.
What a piece of crap! Looks paper thin. What Ebayer sold you that? Was it either amiadfilter or r.fett37? I would get my money back and buy a good helmet from someone who knows how to fiberglass like JD
I've Honestly thrown helmets against the wall in fits if RAGE and caused less damage.

Yeah, I agree!
That Helmet's not All it's Cracked -Up to be. :lol:
But seriously, Who did you get it from.
I don't want to make the same mistake.
The most obvoius damage occured by mistreatment, but what I'm also noticing, is that there are telltale signs of major air pockets between the surface layer, and the fiberglass layer. The chips are broken away cleanly, and the fiberglass layer left behind is smooth in areas. If it were a nice tight, clean lamination, the only damage you would see, is the actual cracks.

My advice: If you want a mystry helmet, send a pm to M_S, and don't mess with the ebay recasters.
Ah! What a shame!

But don't blame the seller. Blame the sender.

I'd rather send a helmet packed in a perpetually running industrial paint mixter strapped to the back of lowland mountain gorillia during an earthquake than send it with UPS. I've had nothing but bad experiences with them.

Anyway, at least you get a rangefinder and stalk for your trouble...althought I'd strongly recommend to anyone that they get an aluminum stalk if they can find one.

I think you got your helm from the same person I did. My 1st impression was that it felt fragile. As soon as my weather is better I am going to reinforce mine with some more cloth and resin. By the way, I've had nothing but bad luck with UPS. I will even go as far as to say I will pay extra to avoid using them.
Call your local UPS and tell them you recieved a package that was handled roughly and the contents inside are broken. The shipping label will have the shipping code and imformation. Since you have already signed for it, it might be to late, if so its a lesson for the future to never accept a package that looks damaged without fully inspecting it.
It was amiadfilter, Marrow. He wrote to me and told me the replacement he is sending is going to be fiberglass matt? Says it will look the same on the outside, but be smoother on the inside. I've been told by a friend that will be stronger, but I haven't a clue about the strength of fiberglass.
I feel for you, a while back when I got my first M_S 1 I was well into painting it when one of my kittens knocked it over, it split in both corners of the t - visor section, thankfully though it was quite an easy fix, I really hope the sender sorts you out with a new bucket asap!!!
I honestly feel for you. It hurts me to know a fella TDH'er gets crap like that.
I do not wish that on anyone. I hope this is rectified as soon as possible!
Post us pics of your new bucket so that you can carry on!
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