how do i paint my frist helmet

sand, primer and paint. make sure the nozzle is facing the helmet. paint lightly, several coats.

use the search feature for more detail
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mindphunk wrote:

sand, primer and paint. make sure the nozzle is facing the helmet. paint lightly, several coats.

What he said. make sure the paints are compatible and that the temperature is right for the paint (not to humid). Light coats work best too.

Good luck, Pal! ;)
I was wondering the same thing. just got my first bucket and wanted to know what color spray paint to use if any.

strikedown wrote:

I was wondering the same thing. just got my first bucket and wanted to know what color spray paint to use if any.

Depends on what style helmet your doing. I did ROTJ and used spray paints that Lynn posted on here. Search for helmet paint and you will find the list.

Good Luck!
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