Horse/girth belt question ?


Active Hunter
Hi :)

Can anyone who has a english fourteen strand horse/girth belt tell me what sort of thickness the rope is ?

Many thanks in advance :)

Randy :jet pack
I have some original strands cut the real 30+ year old girths,If you like,I could send you a couple of strands(free of charge) so you can see/compare the real thing.
fettsupplies said:
I have some original strands cut the real 30+ year old girths,If you like,I could send you a couple of strands(free of charge) so you can see/compare the real thing.

Thanks .. that would be most helpful :) .. the postage from Australia to the UK might be a bit pricey though

:jet pack
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No charge Randy.............I'll just put 'em in an envelope,and get my dad's business to pay for it.It'd only be a couple of bucks,anyway.
I'll send a dozen or so,so you can share them around,if you want to.
It seems a shame to throw the left over pieces away,as ppl might want to match up the colour correctly.
I hate the competetive crap that goes on here,aren't we SUPPOSED to help each other out?
I offered these free on TDH,but i think ppl were buggers.........

Just pm your address and I'll get 'em in the post.

Jake(very hungover,newly turned 23)the snake.........
That is really good of you .. I really appreciate it :) :thumbsup:

Being able to match everything up will be so much easier .. might even be able to make one instead with refference material like that :thumbsup:

:jet pack
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