Here do you get?


New Hunter
Hey, I'm new here, and I was wondering where you got your buckets? I tried to scratch built one... did not work out very well. So I have decieded to buy one. Any help?

Thanks for the help

You eventually may find yourself over on eBay. A little warning if you end up over there: make sure you know EXACTLY what you are buying/bidding on. A lot of helmets there can easily be misrepresented or not thoroughly described.
You eventually may find yourself over on eBay. A little warning if you end up over there: make sure you know EXACTLY what you are buying/bidding on. A lot of helmets there can easily be misrepresented or not thoroughly described.

Good point JB. I would stay away from ebay. The helmet that you see in the auction may not be the one you receive. There are a few posts floating around about ebay helmet nightmares.
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