helpful de fogger.


New Hunter
so i was experimenting with a couple of household thingies to stop my visor from fogging up when i stumbled upon it. basic bar soap and candle wax mixed into a 3 to 1 kinda polish works perfectly. the only problem is that it does need to be applied just about every use.:thumbsup: or:thumbsdown:

hope y'all enjoy.
I use to be a swimmer before a spinal injury terminated all of that ... so I've had similar problems with fogging goggle lenses. If you ever go to a swim shop, buy some swim goggle anti-fogging solution. I use that on my Vader lenses and Fett visor, and it REALLY works! Well, unless you start doing some rigorous physical activity with the mask on!:lol:
It was on a Stormtrooper helmet with the dark lenses. You can't see out of them anyway. :lol: It didn't seem to have any residue. You could always test it first. If it doesn't work, use it on your winshield. :)
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