Help With Converting Mini-Fett


Active Hunter
Okay, all these new orders for Mini-Fett helmets has once again spurred my interest in finishing this project, but I need help from all you Jango-lovers out there. This is one of the first castings I made out of my Mini-Fett mold. Being very inexperienced at it then, I made the first few pours of urethane way too thick and was not able to make a wearable helmet out of it. So, I thought I would convert it to a Jango for molding.

Here are pics from all 4 sides. I have already filled in the dent, removed the dental tool from the cheek, and remade the keyslots in the back. Please help me get all the details I need to make this a fairly accurate, small-sized Jango.




For a kid's helmet, I think it looks great as is. But if you need to refine, I'd say sharpen up the edges, like around the ear pieces. Decrease the recessed area going up and down the left ear. I also know of one person that had a hard time installing a visor as if the visor area was too flared or something. I'll see if I can post a few ref. pics.:thumbsup:

For a kid's helmet, I think it looks great as is. But if you need to refine, I'd say sharpen up the edges, like around the ear pieces. Decrease the recessed area going up and down the left ear.

The recessed area is there so it can easily be cut out so the child can hear better. I tried to make it kid friendly. If people think its too deep its easy to fill in.

I also know of one person that had a hard time installing a visor as if the visor area was too flared or something.

I saw that pic...not sure what happened there...I've never had any issues with that before. You can see in the pic, its a pretty flat area. Most I ever had to do to the visor area was dremel the inside some to make the thickness consistent.

But please, ref pics would be good, and feel free to mark up the pics I have posted too. Thanks for the help!
Don't get mad at me. I'm just trying to help out because you asked and because basically you are now the only remaining kid helmet builder out, it compliments my kid gauntlets.;)

I think these would do well using fiberglass casting.

here's my feedback:



Oh, no...I'm not mad...Just giving the reason why I did what I did. The "brow trim" for the lack of a better term, shoudl be straight...I think the camera focus is making it look bowed up. I'll work on cleaning the edges up, what about the dome? Should it be more rounded?
I think the dome looks great, and yeah, the rangefinder ear side looks a little low as if the area with the three holes should be higher...but I may be just outa practice since it's been a while since I've worked on a Jango helmet.

I think the dome looks good though, especially in that right profile pic.:thumbsup:

I'd love to get my hands on one of these after you finish the mods.
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