HELP HELP Attaching armor.


New Hunter
I have everything I need now. My helmet arrived today whoo-hoo. I have a prob though. I have attached my armor, but it hangs off of me like loose skin. The armor just hangs off all bad instead of sticking to me snug. Any suggestions. I need to be ready for DC!
What are you using to attach it now? There are several methods in use. TK-409 uses snaps and has a great tutorial on his site. Others use velcro to great success. I would suggest sewing the velcro on to the vest. There was some experimenting with magnets but I heard they messed up the electronics in the chest displays.
yeah, I heard that too, and the magnets tend to slip and slide, so one arm movement and gone are the chest plates...

I also know a few who hotglued the plates directly to the vest (I kitted my previous set) but I'm going with velcro this time.

sew one side to the vest and kit, glue the otherside to the armor plates.

I'm still a bit sceptical though... does velcro really hold the armor?? especially the shoulders...
I am not having a problem attaching the armor to my suit. It hangs off like all nasty and stuff. Does this mean I just have to get a tighter suit? It attaches fine, but hangs all loose :(
ow I see, ok... if you got pins at home, just take it in on the inside seems (the seems under your arms) and see if that helps a bit.

if it does, stitch it under the machine :)
R_boba_fett said:
I'm still a bit sceptical though... does velcro really hold the armor?? especially the shoulders...

I've used velcro on my shoulder bells for 4 years now. Never had one fall off once.

On the topic of the armor hanging... sounds to me like the soft parts are just too loose to begin with. Try taking them in.
yeah, I heard that too, and the magnets tend to slip and slide, so one arm movement and gone are the chest plates...

Hmm mine dont move at all. I doubled up the magnets, even though it didnt needit, its very strong. I can pick the whole vest up by the diamond plate
Does it hang off the front as much as it does the back? Can you post pics? I would try sewing some elastic straps on the inside of it where it hangs the most, looping them around ur body for more support.

-Tony Vida; TK 3204; Austin, Tx
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