Helmet Reinforcement?


What is a great way to reinforce a Don Post 97 to keep the helmet from warping out of shape? It does not have a bad warp so can i use some kind of metal band or such on the inside or what. Any help would be great.....
Yep you got it, that's exactly what you should do. I left mine in my car for few minutes to get it warm and reshaped it. I used tape from the front to the back to hold it to the flare I wanted and put it in the freezer (don't tell my wife;) ). Might as well change the visor too if you haven't yet. Makes the helmet look better.

Helmet on the right is a Don Post plastic Boba I changed over to Jango. Helmet on the left is my BKBT I'll be using.
Thanks for the help. I have seen many ways to reinforce the helmet but the metal band or such takes up the least amount of room and is easier to get the shape you want. I am going to try and post some pics of the bucket so far in the Custom Mando area if i can so check it out and tell me what you think....
I don't have a pic, but you epoxy or glue a band to the inside of the helmet, close to the bottom, around the back, to the sides. Those plastic helmets, at least in my case wanted to lose their flare. The metal band will keep the left and right side from wanting to pull back in. I've seen pictures somewhere, but don't remember where. I got a BKBT before I got a chance to do mine
I am a total newbie, but would be happy to share my experience for what it is worth.

Plastic has memory and will (depending on the type of plastic) try to go back to it's original formed shape over time. So, heat and cool usually work, up to a point. Ok, so now you have the sum total of my industrial design and materials technology college degree (what a waste :( )...

I have been building a '95 DP helmet for my son and I used the metal bar technique, in addition to the heat and cool method. Actually I used some thin copper tubing which bends a bit, so I could shape it to get the right flare. I also ran the copper to the mandibles so that I could move those, as they kept getting slightly out of alignment with the rest of the dome.

I will try to post a pic this weekend, but this seemed to work pretty well. Other people on this forum are much more knowledgeable than I am about these things, but thought I would share what I did.
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