Helmet paint scheme questions


Well-Known Hunter
While waiting for my helmet to come from MS, I figured I would have time to do plenty of research on the paint scheme.

My plan is for a ROTJ Boba Fett.

My head is spinning from all the information I'm getting from my searches....

So what most people are doing when doing a ROTJ Boba Fett is:

ROTJ Costume with a ESB helmet?

I take it this is acceptable as this was used in the SE version of ROTJ??

The theatrical version of ROTJ had him with the correct costume AND helmet??

Help! :confused
Thanks for comfirming my thoughts. Man... that is confusing as heck! :facepalm

I've noticed the ESB paint scheme seems to be more popular than the ROTJ version.

There also seems to be more documentation for the ESB version. Why is that? :confused
Ripcode said:
I've noticed the ESB paint scheme seems to be more popular than the ROTJ version.

There also seems to be more documentation for the ESB version. Why is that? :confused

Really? I find it to be the other way around.
Have you sent for a Boba Fett reference CD? It really is the way to go as far as getting infomation, and photos. Can't get any better resource photos than that.
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