"Go get it"

Just had to post about this experience. I have yet to join the 501st with my RotJ Fett (application pending) This past weekend I learned from a friend of a friend (who is in the 501st) that the 501st was going to appear at a local theater here in Omaha. They were at the theater for it's grand opening a year ago, and were asked to return. So another friend of mine and I went to go meet them. Upon entering we came face to face with an Imperial officer and a Stormtrooper greeting customers of the theater. We stepped up and introduced ourselves as prospective members. (the friend I was with is starting a republic commando) After some talk, the topic of my Fett outfit came up. I said I still had a few things to top it off. (namely, tubes for the right gaunt, I had just received my girth belt the previous night and had yet to wear it, and I had been fitting my jet pack with a new harness.) The Imperial officer turned to me and asked "is it wearable?" I said sure, and that I had worn it for Halloween this year.

"Go get it," he said, totally straight-faced.

I froze, and subsequently wet myself. :wacko

The 501st was really asking me to troop with them after just meeting me within the last 5mins. He assured me it was fine, they had a place for me to change, and was more than welcome to join them for the two day event. I drove home like a maniac, finished up a few bits of the costume, and raced back. They helped my friend and I get me into the outfit (they had an amazing knowledge of assembling a Fett costume) and out into the lobby. I was beyond excited. I got to troop with them for the day, and returned the next day. We got a tour of the inner-workings of the theater, and they let us see the Dark Knight trailer before "I am Legend," and they even took the pictures for my 501st application. These guys were the best, and I'm thrilled to be a future part of the family. They were all surprised that there was someone in Omaha with a 99% complete Fett that they had never heard of. Thanks to TDH for that.

I'm on top of the world.

Now to get started on the upgrades... :lol:
Oh wow what a day for you....:cheers

You should have some good references in joining the 501st :thumbsup:

So how big was your grin in the photos or are has your grin relaxed yet?;)

Great job on your suit :thumbsup:
Happy Troopn' :)
I can attest to the open welcomes you get from the 501st, they truly are like a family.
I'm still working on my Jango, but have borrowed costumes to be able to troop with my local squad not once, but twice! They're truly an awesome bunch, and have me totally stoked to have my jango suit finished by the beginning of April.

So I'm glad that it all worked out for you, and I know how difficult it is to see the ear-to-ear cheshire grin under those helmets. Awesome work on your Fett as well.
The Carolina Garrison of the 501st was at a local Toys R Us for a Toys for Tots event. They were very friendly. There were several members there including a Darth Vader, two Stormtroopers, a Clone Trooper, a Biker Scout, at least three Jawas and a Tusken Raider.

My kids got a HUGE kick out of seeing them. :thumbsup: When the wind caught Darth Vader's cape, my oldest daughter yelled "That's AWESOME!"
I e-mailed a pat on the back letter to the Garrison commander. They do a lot of good for charities. :thumbsup:

BTW, if anyone here is in the Carolina Garrison, send me a PM. :)
Hey Jango72, that is what we are here from bro! We always try and help each other!

Great pics mixmastermace! But with no Star Wars movie out, what were you there trooping for? Unless there was a SW movie I don't know about ;)
Glad you had an awesome experience with the 501st. Congrats! When I started reading your thread I got a bit nervous because I thought it was going to go the other way. Whew!
Where is the Great Escapes theater? Not Familiar with it myself. Wish I had known about the event. I would have tried to make it. I'm down in Bellevue. Where were you when I sold all of my stuff within the last year? You could've saved me a bundle in shipping costs. :lol: Just saw the date you joined--right after I sold the last part. :(

Seriously though, nice outfit! I wish I had been able to finish mine. We could have trooped together. Except for the whole doubles thing, I guess. :) Drop me a line sometime! :)
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