Glove project Need your input

  • Thread starter Thread starter mandaloriangear1
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I had a feeling this project wasn't happening when he put the phrases 'need input', 'accurate gloves' and 'we will start cranking them out' in the same paragraph.

It took me a few days to sew the pads on (machine-sewn is not accurate!), and I know S1 himself doesn't just 'crank them out'. These are a bitch to put together.

I think this prop-maker was trying to jump-start his business before he realized exactly what goes into making an accurate pair of gloves, much less multiple pairs for multiple buyers. It's a good thing we didn't all lay money down for this, a la the boot offer.

Lesson learned: Don't put 'research needed' and 'production will commence' in the same thread. :)
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