Glove project Need your input

  • Thread starter Thread starter mandaloriangear1
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Hey Guys, I've talked to Scott and He is working Hard on this project. He has Very high standards and wants to offer us the best gloves possible. He doesn't want to post pics of an inferior glove and have everyone get discouraged. Trust me. After the AWESOME job Jango_Wes and He did with the Boots, he wants to make sure these gloves live up to His as well as Our expectations.
I'm sure we will hear from him Soon. ;)
Robert E.
I am the point now where I am starting to wear holes in my S1 gloves, so I'd be interested in seeing how these compare to his before I invest in another pair.
Thanks for the info Reidemiller.

Didn't mean to be impatient, but I have a couple of things coming up pretty soon and I need to make a decision quickly.

Is there any guide on timescale here at all? I'm not trying to rush the project, but the situation is that I need a pair of gloves in the next 2 weeks, 3 weeks at most. If this isn't happening by then, I'll have to look at other options. I may be able to get by and get some of these when I'm ready, but not knowing is frustrating. I don't want to spend an entire weekend handstitching my own to find a post on monday saying they are available and ready to ship etc. At the same time, I don't want to leave it, thinking they'll be here, to be told the day before I need them that this project is aborted/delayed further.

I'm not at all bashing Scott or the makers. I think this is a great project and I can appreciate that when you rely on others doing some work, it can be difficult to juggle annoying gits like me and the speed of the workers. Please no one think I'm cross, just keen to know if I have to bust my hump and make my own gloves, even if temporarily.

I look forward to further updartes in due course, and any timescales if possible.

Thanks to all who are involved in the organisation of this.

Han Hunter,
I totally understand as I'm sure Scott does too.
I will be talking to him this evening and will let you know whether or not to start on some Just in Case.
I'll let you know by tomorrow. :)
Hopefully this Helps.
Robert E.
Looking for this topic as well, cause as Bobafettish said before, some time or later we're gonna have holes in our gloves, and we need at some point some back-up gloves to substiture the absence or damages of the previous ones.

Really interested in this project too, so keep the good news coming...

Any news on this project yet? It's been close to a month since we've heard anything and I am still very interested in this.

Me too, I would like to see pics of the first gloves out to see how they look.

S1 glove's don't last forever either, and sometime we need a backup solution. Just ask Bobafettish, he can echoe this words;)


Still no news after all this time, and now I'm hearing that Scott is currently hard to get in touch with...

Anyone know any info about the glove situation? Scott?

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