Girth Belt strap question

Boba Fett

Active Hunter
Hey guys I am going to need some help and some advice from people that have done this before. I have 3 girth belts that I am going to dye, only problem is that I have no clue how to strap the girth belt around myself. It has the four metal clips, but that isn't going to work for me. Any suggestions on how I can strap my girth belt onto myself. I would prefer not to do snaps or tie the ends in knots.
Well I sew the black webbing on just as it really is. On one side, on two of the roller buckles and I know that is not the answer you are probably looking for but....
Well I sew the black webbing on just as it really is. On one side, on two of the roller buckles and I know that is not the answer you are probably looking for but....

Me too. It ain't that hard. If you aren't a sewer, I'm betting you could have it done fairly inexpensively!! Might as well go for accuracy if you can ;)
Not the best pic, but what I have handy. This should give you an idea.

Hey Ripecode thanks for the pic. I think I get the idea now. Oh and thanks for the PM. I am gonna try my handy work on one of them and see how it goes and I will let you know about the other two.
I just bought some black webbing from the local Jo-Ann's and using my hot glue gun, made the loop around the metal buckle.

I then used a knife to scratch the webbing where you would see the stiching. (one day i have to get a sewing machine).

Then - using an awl, i punched holes on the other side to allow it to buckle up...
Yeah I think I might go and grab a doggy collar from walmart or something and sew it on there. I also might just take some of the material from one of my old backpacks and use that.
I used a Dremel with a cutting disc to remove the buckle pics from one end of the belt, so they're not in the way. I sewed 1" black webbing, looping it around those buckles.

I used a hot soldering iron to punch the belt holes, as it cuts and cauterizes in one step!
Hey thanks for the input BN. I bought these and didn't even think about how I was going to go about getting them so that I could wear them. LOL. Thanks for the input and ideas fellas! Keep em comin!
Hey guys,

Just stumbled across this board, I used a fabric dye we get here in Scotland called Dylon. You mix it in a bucket and once done doesn't bleed. I used it for my ESB gloves too. The brown is a pretty good match for the ESB stylee. Dog collars work perfectly for the final link.

Hey guys,

Just stumbled across this board, I used a fabric dye we get here in Scotland called Dylon. You mix it in a bucket and once done doesn't bleed. I used it for my ESB gloves too. The brown is a pretty good match for the ESB stylee. Dog collars work perfectly for the final link.


You also just stumbled across a thread that is nearly 3 years old. Might wanna check the date stamps before bringing a thread back from the dead :)
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