Girth belt dye help

Hi Folks,

I was wondering if one of you Nice people out there in TDH land might be able to help me ?? , i am trying to dye my Girth belt in the ROTJ colour and all the UK dye colours don't seem to work too well on the mohair girth belt for what ever reason.

I have tried dying my belt three times and it has gone a slight wine colour but with purple binding threads that run through the belt, i will try and get pics up soon.

Here is where the help comes in , would some one in the US be willing to buy the correct dyes that i need and i will paypal them the cash to send them over to the UK for me , i know, i am asking alot but you kind people are the only ones that can help me get this right as i have seen the success you guys n gals have but i can't seem to get it right.

i know it's trial and error but i am about pulling my hair out trying this :lol:

Thank you in advance of any help , it will be very VERY much appreciated.

The trick to dyeing the belt is to put it in a steel pot full of water and a bottle of dye... I use Rite Dye in the color of Scarlet! Bring it to a simmer... (level 4 heat on US stoves) and stir the belt in it for an hour or so... then wash it in the washing machine on cold and hang it out to dry!
evan4218 said:
The trick to dyeing the belt is to put it in a steel pot full of water and a bottle of dye... I use Rite Dye in the color of Scarlet! Bring it to a simmer... (level 4 heat on US stoves) and stir the belt in it for an hour or so... then wash it in the washing machine on cold and hang it out to dry!

Hi Evans4218,

I have done that twice already bu the UK dyes don't seem to take hence why i am asking for some on in the US to buy the Rit dye for me and mail it to the UK so i can dye my belt.

But if it comes to it , i will get on that run as long as it's already dyed and the right colour for me ;)

Or, if you don't have a pot that you want to put dye in, heat the water in a big pot then transfer it to a 5 gallon bucket then add the dye. Umm.. I can get the RIT dyes for you, but I had trouble finding one last time, cocoa brown I think.
Coca Brown hu... I used scarlet red... once washed a few times it seems to be perfect. The pic I posted had been rinced but not officaly "Washed" with soap. I am very pleased with it.
he wants ROTJ though, i used 1 bottle of scarlett and about a 1/3rd bottle of wine red. if you wanna pay shipping you can have the rest of my wine red for free. all the stores around me have scarlett in stock
From what I read, it will shrink. Christi streched them out, and screwed them to a 2x4 while they dried. I assume this will prevent the belt from shrinking.
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