

New Hunter
Another fem inviting herself to the party. I've been doing all my research for a while now, and have a good start on my armor. I decided to use steel. All the pieces are cut and shaped. Yes, even the chest plates. Used a slightly different technique than NovallTalon, but you sure did inspire me. Thank You!! I'm stalling on the paint, cuz I really haven't decided where I want to go with it. I had to get a black flight suit (the only color in my size), and now I'm waiting for some inspiration to hit. Here are a few pics of my start.
Scratch that...I tried to attach pics, but they're giant. :rolleyes Some day I'll figure all this stuff out....
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Welcome! We are a visual bunch so as soon as you can get the pics up it would help us with the adulation of your efforts ;)
I had to buy a kids flight suit, XL, and I found it at the Army Barracks in New Hampshire. As far as the pics, they are in Photobucket/PRINCESSVADER73, until I get my lesson on how to shrink them to a more acceptable size, which should be some time later today. I keep changing things as I go, though. My ab armor is now two pieces, not one. And I'm reshaping my thighs and shins. I don't want to look girlie, but I don't want to look like I'm playing dress up in my daddy's armor either...
I tryed searching for your photobucket PRINCESSVADER73 and I cant find it.

if you go to the share album and post that link it will be easyer to find.
this is the only one I could find

LOL :lol:
Ya, I just moved here from MA!! and yes, MandoMan, that is my album. I have company this weekend, so I don't know what I was thinking when I thought that I could figure out how to post the pics. I did get my lesson today on how to shrinkem' and should have more recent pics after the holiday!! That pic in the prom gown is too funny, but definitely not me!!! Great idea though.....
Hey I'm from New England:lol:. Just checking in to see if my lesson paid of yet. Oh and the princess vader pic is awesome! Cant wait to have our armor party!
Don't know how I missed this post till now. Glad that the female set I'm working on inspired you! Thats what it's all about to me. =)

Anyhow, I'm guessing that you cut the chest pieces out separately then put them together to acquire the room you need for your chest? That seems to be the method of choice for those who can't dish the curve into the metal. One of our female Mercs mandos did a nice set that way out of stainless I know it can be done using pieces. =)

I'm actually going to be working on a set of hot forged (yes, with a real forge) female armor made out of steel for my girl after DCon. Hot forging is really the only way I can think of to get the proper curve for boobs into chest armor without over-stressing the metal. It's also the only other way to make metal armor I haven't done yet. =)
Actually, he cut seams in the metal after he cuved the top and bottom, and sealed them with a metal adhesive. You'll be able to see in this photo. I'm going to try to work on smoothing the seams some more. I was hoping they would look like damage or a past "repair", but I'm not completely happy with them (and neither is he). I took lots of pics of him working on the chest in the photobucket.
I wish I could sound cool and answer that, but its my brother's gun and I don't know the details about it. I did know it was an autococker, though. I guess you'll understand why he still wants it to function...Last pic with the flightsuit.
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