Gauntlet Update (Finally!!)


Active Hunter
Well, I finally found some time to start on my rufkin gauntlets that have been sitting in a box for the past year.. They still need a bit more weathering and I need to finish the missile (among other things ;)) Overall I'm pretty happy with my progress so far.. Any constructive critcism would be greatly appreciated.. (please excuse the poor pic)


cow bell? I think they look good, when you get the missile painted I dont see much else to do, I would weather a little more but not to much more.
I put my gauntlets on one wrist at a time just like everybody else, the only difference is, when I got em on, I make gold records;) They look dang good so far, but more cow bell wouldn't hurt;)

Jango's kid wrote:

I put my gauntlets on one wrist at a time just like everybody else, the only difference is, when I got em on, I make gold records

When I saw this thread that is EXACTLY what I was going to post :(

Those gauntlets look great, all these RT gauntlets I see make me want to upgrade so bad.
Those gauntlets look great, all these RT gauntlets I see make me want to upgrade so bad.

Here's a pair Of Ruffkintoy's that I did ( & sold :( )



I suggest you go ahead & get a set from Chuck
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