Gauntlet hoses


Active Hunter
I just recieved my MoW RoTJ gauntlets, stunning quality. What I want to know is what kinda hoses do I need to get and about what lenth?
The hoses are of the clear, braid-reinforced kind. And I believe the diameter is 3/8". But for the length, I suppose that's very much up to the length of your arms :) But if you count with 40cm each, I think you should be more than fine.

You can find them in almost any good hardware store
I've thought about picking up some of the braided hoses made for cars which will slip over the hose to dress up things a bit. I'm sure someones used them somewhere along the line. I was just curious how they looked on our finished gauntlets...Any thoughts?

I used the clear ones as well with white braid-reinforcment. I also colored them black inside.

I got a set of hoses like this from Ace Hardware. One thing I have learned is that since they were sitting in the store wound up like a garden hose, they like to stay curved. That being said, be careful when you straighten your arm out to fire a gauntlet dart because the hoses will try and pull the connectors off when they straighten.
I got my hose from the hardware store too. I drilled a hole in the dart launcher and the flame thrower thingy at the to just a smidge bigger than a pencil. I cut 3 pencils down to size and glued them in. The hose will need drilled out a little, but it makes a fantastic way to attach the hoses!


I like the look of the clear braided hose. I can only speculate that you've sprayed black paint inside until it was all uniformly covered to give it it's current color? Be prepared folks, I'm sure I'll have more questions as I get started solely on my gauntlets...:lol:

I like the look of the clear braided hose. I can only speculate that you've sprayed black paint inside until it was all uniformly covered to give it it's current color? Be prepared folks, I'm sure I'll have more questions as I get started solely on my gauntlets...:lol:

Yep, thats exactly what I did. :thumbsup:
Point to note here troops. There are two kinds of hoses that look like this - some are for air and some are for water. The water ones tend to be extremely thick while the air hose variety is much lighter and more supple.
Point to note here troops. There are two kinds of hoses that look like this - some are for air and some are for water. The water ones tend to be extremely thick while the air hose variety is much lighter and more supple.

Mine are hoses from a shower, and yes quiet thick and not that supple... Maybe I need to see about air hoses... Any hints on where I can get them? regular hardware store like Lowes/Home depot...?
I bought mine from a local auto plave called Princess Auto. Not sure if you have them down in the states.

Basicly, anywhere that sells air tools should have something like that. :)
Point to note here troops. There are two kinds of hoses that look like this - some are for air and some are for water. The water ones tend to be extremely thick while the air hose variety is much lighter and more supple.

maybe that's my problem... the stupid hoses mess me up every time. i've yet to get them put together in a way that i like.

when my new gauntlets arrive, i'll need to try to find those air hoses.
Point to note here troops. There are two kinds of hoses that look like this - some are for air and some are for water. The water ones tend to be extremely thick while the air hose variety is much lighter and more supple.

Reasons for the different thicknesses regard the pressures they are disgned to be exposed to.
Air hose over water hose, check. I'm glad I read that as I'd have probably gone directly to the water hose tomorrow when I go to pick some up. I also need to find all of the fittings or whatever I'll need to affix to my gauntlets that you slide the hose over to attach them to my gauntlets. Can anyone give me a list of what I'll need for that? I'm sure I can find something that'll work, but it'd be nice to have a list and know exactly what I'm searching for. What did you all use for yours?

Happy Holidays!
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