Gauntlet hoses: film variations

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Migrate from As You Wish

Depending on what picture you are looking at, there are between two and five different hoses. In the five version, there are three on the right and two on the left. The right side has two coming out of the rear of the sloped side piece and one coming out of the top resin piece. The left side has two coming out of the rear of the flame thrower. Most pictures simply show the hoses running up the sleeves, but I've seen a few going back to the jet pack. Where to attach them I do not know.
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Boba Fettish, this will all depend on which suit you are trying to make or if you aren't really set on ONE particular suit and plan on doing a combination of the different versions (as most people do) then you are pretty much free to do whatever you want. Here is a basic rundown:

Preprepro (Albino): One braided tube on the right gauntlet and none on the left.

Prepro: One braided tube on the right gauntlet and one braided tube on the left.

ESB: One braided tube on the right gauntlet and none on the left.

I don't think I have seen a pic with 5 hoses attached at once but I may be missing something. As you mentioned, in ALL of the movie versions the hoses run up the sleeve and stop at the top of the shoulder. However, on the prepro suit the hoses run under the backplate. Not sure where they end but it is doubtful that they actually attach to the jet pack. Hope this helps!

RotJ: Three braided tubes on the right gauntlet and none on the left.

ANH SE: Appears to have no hoses at all. Poor pics make it hard to say for sure...

RotJ SE: Appears to have one braided tube on the right gauntlet and none on the left. Again, poor pics make it hard to say for sure...
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Thanks for the low-down, BB. I can't say I've ever seen all five in the same shot either, just various pictures along the way. Personally, I am going with the ROTJ-style (three on the right, none on the left). The best reference is during the skiff scene.
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where are the hoses in the gauntlets?

Originally posted by My Only Fettish:

I have seen pictures with hoses in both gauntlets, hoses in one gauntlet--what is going on here? Which way is accurate? Where do the hoses plug in once they leave the gauntlet, or do they just disappear up the sleeve(s)? Also, is this braided hose? What is the correct material for these?
Originally posted by WebChief:

I'm not sure about the placement, but I do know that they are clear, braided hoses. Like the one's you'd possibly find attached to a hand-held spray nozzle on your sink.

"What we do in life...echoes in eternity!"
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Originally posted by Braks Buddy:

The hoses that run from Fett's gauntlets to his back are 3/8" braided pvc. Braided pvc is measured by inside diameter (ID). 3/8" ID braided hose has an outside diameter (OD) of approx 2/3" or .66". This type hose is readily available at most home improvement retailers like Lowes or Home Depot.

The preproduction suit has two hoses on the left gauntlet and one hose on the right. The hoses run under Fett's backplate and use XLR connectors.

The ESB suit , to the best of my research, has no hose on the left gauntlet and one hose on the right. The hose runs into the short sleeve of Fett's flightsuit. No connectors are visible.

The RotJ suit has no hose on the left gauntlet and three hoses on the right. The hoses run into the short sleeve of Fett's flightsuit. No connectors are visible.
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ESB has one on the right gauntlet........thats it. :) Can't help much on other versions........TEAM ESB ;)

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In the film (RotJ) I seem to recall there being 3 hoses on the right gaunt, and none on the left. on the right, 2 go to the grappling hook assembley, and one to the protrusion on the top, rear of the gaunt.

In the visual dictionary (and on some pics of RA gauntlets I've seen), there is one going to the rear of the laser (commonly referred to as the rocket/missile).

I always feel there should be 2 going to the flamethrower assembly, but to be accurate there are none.

Having said that, it'd still be worthwhile checking the video again. I'm at work and going of memory only. I stand to be corrected.


::Edited for stupidity/tiredness leading to previous typo's :facepalm ::
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Holiday Special Cartoon Fett:
1 hose in right gauntlet (depends on the animation continuity)

Pre-pre-production white prototype suit:
Possibly 1 or 2 hoses in right gauntlet

1st Pre-pro suit has:
No hoses at all

2nd Pre-pro suit has:
2 hoses in left gauntlet
1 hose in right gauntlet

3rd Pre-pro suit has:
No hoses at all

ESB suit has:
1 hose in right gauntlet

ROTJ suit has:
3 hoses in right gauntlet (SE might only have 1, not certain)
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Max is on the money!

I've actually seen the VD incarnation of the "SE" with a hose duct taped to the left gauntlet laser. However, I don't think it appears that way on film. It seems to show up in various promotional photos using the SE suit.
Awesome. I thought I noticed no hose on Fett's left gauntlet, but I've seen so many costumes WITH it, that I've become desensitized. I may take it off my Fett. To be more accurate, as well as lighter.;) That stiff PVC hose makes it hard to straighten your arms (it has to be long in order to BEND them), and holding a blaster is bad enough.
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