FOUR slot beacons


Active Hunter
Well people as I promised in my flame thrower thread, Here is the pics of the beacon I made.
It is 2 1/2 inches top to bottom.

I want EVERYONES feedback on the size of this. If it needs to be bigger, I need to know.

I don't know the price yet.

I need to know how big to make them first. ALL of you need to get in on the size debate.

As for how its lit up.....I held a mini mag to the bottom of it to show that it is hollow. The bottom will be threaded and a hollow nut will be used to secure it to the jet pack. If you want to run wires and an led up through it, it can be done easily.

Again..........Size matters here ;) .





That looks awesome!! :thumbsup: Well, I can't give any feedback on size, because you and everyone else will know more about that. But I do think it looks right on! :thumbsup:
:eek: Holy Crap! Okay, I'm in! I think you nailed it! I wanna be first on the list!
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Wizardofflight and I have spoke and the beacon is made to fit a 15 inch scale Jet Pack.
The MLC V.1 I have is 16 1/2 inches. Thats why I am asking everyone for feed back.

Wizard, pipe in anytime.
That came out looking GREAT! Beautiful job.

I can work up a size comparison drawing showing what the difference would be for the beacon between a 16.5" JP and a 15" JP, if that will help?

Man that looks good!

That came out looking GREAT! Beautiful job.

I can work up a size comparison drawing showing what the difference would be for the beacon between a 16.5" JP and a 15" JP, if that will help?

Man that looks good!


Wow. You just give and give and give. You are very generous and a great guy. Thank you so much for doing the prints in the first place.
That came out looking GREAT! Beautiful job.

I can work up a size comparison drawing showing what the difference would be for the beacon between a 16.5" JP and a 15" JP, if that will help?

Man that looks good!


Thanks Alan :thumbsup:

Any comparison drawings you can do would be AWESOME !

Thanks WoF
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