For Mystery Helmet owners (Now with Pics)


Well-Known Hunter
Hey folks,

(here's a pic from my helmet for reference. The yellows on the back are the base color. I plan to weather it a bit (cause I like it dirty) but it seems to work fine.)


I'm working on the rear part of my helmet, particularly the yellow highlights etc. Well I mixed a color, dabbed it around, etc. This took about 45 minutes. Then I go in with the x-acto to clean up the edges and make it look more random and etched etc and what do I find out? If you just scratch through to the base resin color it looks almost dead-on! The frickin' helmet is a subdued yellow! I'm such an idiot.

Mask it off, scratch through to the base, whatever. It's an excellent color and saves trying to mix it up.

Pics later,

Hope this helps,

That's big dummy! :lol:

My helmet is currently primed and painted silver though! Great! MORE sanding! :p

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Ah well, mine is already finished. It would be kinda silly for me to go back and mess with it. And believe me, I've done my share of messing with finished things in the past!
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That sounds really cool. I don't have a Mystery helmet, but that will give a clue to the ones out there who has one or plan to buy one in the near future (like me). Waiting to see the pics soon.

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journeymanprotector wrote:

Hey folks,

I'm working on the rear part of my helmet, particularly the yellow highlights etc. Well I mixed a color, dabbed it around, etc. This took about 45 minutes. Then I go in with the x-acto to clean up the edges and make it look more random and etched etc and what do I find out? If you just scratch through to the base resin color it looks almost dead-on! The frickin' helmet is a subdued yellow! I'm such an idiot.

Mask it off, scratch through to the base, whatever. It's an excellent color and saves trying to mix it up.

Pics later,

Hope this helps,

Holy cow, you're right!

(Whew! When I saw this thread, I thought I was in trouble or something! :p)

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