flack vest

shade 99

im new to this and i know this doesnt count as aromor but i was wondering how i can make my own flack vest cause i dont want to buy one and order one. cause i dont have so much money. if anyone can tell me that would be great.thanks
Give me a few days here. I've got my first on the table now. If it works, I'll be posting a tutorial that doesn't require a pattern. Otherwise, here's another member's tutorial as posted here already. It does require the purchase of a pattern tho.
Is there a turtal neck i can get or a jaccket that i can cut off the sleevs or somethig i really dont want to make it out of scratch im not good at that and i dont want to order it? So if all u guys can tell me wht u used and wht would be good for me to use that would be greta and it would help me ALOT. Thank you guys for reading this.
I'm sure you'll get the same response from anyone here, if they responded. Everyone here has dished out some serious coin for their stuff. There aren't many shortcuts in this hobby. Try this link, it will show you a good handful of tips and tricks, but the vest is one thing that needs to be built from scratch. http://www.con-centric.com/fett/jumpsuit.htm
I got pretty lucky at Value Village today. I found an 80's grey jacket that zips up half way(from mid chest up to neck) and has one of those 80's high collar necks that is stiff. I'm trying to get my suit done by halloween and as cheap as possible. The jacket cost me 4.99 wich is a ripoff for a jacket from the 80's but a great price for a potential armor vest. I'm gonna bleach it tonight and re-dye it. I've already cut the sleeves off to make the shoulder lips the appropriate dimensions. I'll probably have my mom or fiance do some stitching to make it look and fit a little better. I'll try to have some pics up tomorow.
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