Fixing the Rocket pod to the Left Gaunt ...


Active Hunter
Do you guys just glue your rocket onto the gaunt?
My rocket is Resin (and painted) and my Gauntlets are Fibreglass.

I'm concerned that glueing isn't gonna be strong enough.
Would I be better off drilling the rocket pod and running some pins between gaunt and rocket as well as the glue?
i drilled into the resin rocket and put 2 rivets in, one near each end. this is a sort of risky way to do it, since the rivet could, in theory, crack the rocket. i figured that i could always glue it back together if i needed to.
What I did was drill out two holes in my rocket and JB Weld in some screws so they were pointing down. Then I drill two holes in my gaunt to match and bolted them together.
Which brings me to another question - JB Weld.
Anyone know where I can get it in the UK - or does Araldite do as good a job?

(I like the screw Idea! - I have a few nuts and bolts left from fixing my shoulder studs)
Cheers guys.
I went with the nut/bolt idea (and araldite'd the nut into the rocket pod)
It worked so well I did the same for my flame thrower.
just screwed through the gaunt right into the rocket, with some kit inbetween.. aint going anywhere...
Here is the basic idea:




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