First Time Helmet Paintup - clmayfield

Yip. 4th from the left. You can tell because it isn't as crisp at the masked areas. The color is also a tad off from what it probably should be. As a "transitional" stripe, it was difficult to nail.

EDIT: I meant 4th from the right. Maybe you did too?
Almost there.... almost there...

In different lighting...






The mandibles color is just a little too red. I added Humbrol Red 73 to Humbrol Red 100 and some grey 106 and white. In hindsight, I should have added yellow insignia to get a bit more browning. I was trying to unsaturate the red, but I ended up with a strawberry as opposed to a weathered brownish red. The maroon/purple ended up spot on.
Still have to do some weathering, add the borden, and finish the stalk and rangefinder. I still haven't figured out how to attach my stalk to the servo. But it is slowly coming together...

Thanks! The weathering is an area I want to tread lightly with. Not mentioning any names, but I have seen some beautiful paint jobs destroyed by over-weathering. And frankly, I have overweathered some items myself... I went a little overboard on some pieces of armor, for instance.
Thanks! I weathered today. The dent looks better from a macro perspective, but less accurate up close. Oh well, I am not messing with it anymore. Unfortunately, I still have the RF topper to do. Because of the silver, I will need to wait a couple of weeks for it to cure before I am complete. But that is OK. I still need to get the helmet internals together including mounting the servo, which is becoming a real pain.
Thanks! I weathered today. The dent looks better from a macro perspective, but less accurate up close. Oh well, I am not messing with it anymore. Unfortunately, I still have the RF topper to do. Because of the silver, I will need to wait a couple of weeks for it to cure before I am complete. But that is OK. I still need to get the helmet internals together including mounting the servo, which is becoming a real pain.

Why's the servo being difficult?
It is compatibility. I have a servo, but need to install a set screw and also I had to order a coupler to create a shaft extension for the servo. I have known I needed something for a while, but until I got my RF stalk, I wasn't sure what sort of diameter I needed. Further, the shaft extension still might not get me the right diameter, so I will need to create an adapter. So it is basically Servo -> extension -> adapter -> stalk (with set screw). I will then need to mount the servo and remote receiver inside of the helmet hoping there is enough room. My noggin is giant, but luckily, the FPH2 is the roomiest helmet available, which is why I chose it. I still think my nose will be pressing against the visor.
Does your rf stalk have a hole in it where the servo extension is going to meet up? I'm wondering if the rf stalk is already drilled and has a larger diameter than your servo extension. I'm running into a similar issue actually. I have one of jc27's servo kits and a mojo_skywalker rf stalk. Well the rf stalk has a hole that is to small for the servo shaft extension and needs to be tapped and threaded for a set screw. The other issue is that the servo shaft extension that it came with is to short for my helmet and would only connect with about a 3rd of the width of the rf stalk. I ordered another servo extension that is 1" and I intend to just drill out the rf stalk to the diameter of the new extension and put a set screw in the rf stalk.
Yeah, my RF stalk already has a hole. I will just need to get a rod of the appropriate diameter for that hole, attach it (via weld or metal epoxy) to a rod the proper diameter for the extension, drill and tap a hole in the RF stalk for the set screw, and then mount the servo. It is quite a production, but it should work. Alternatively, if the shaft is larger than the hole already in the stalk, I can just drill a larger diameter hole in the RF as well as the ear piece.
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