First Time Helmet Paintup - clmayfield

Thanks, guys, I think I will try to hit it with some high grit sand paper at the particularly egregious edges. My paint got especially thick up top. I have to be careful as I have already rubbed some of the grey down to the silver with my steel wool job. I still have some more scratching to do as well as some touch up painting. You can't see it really well, but I did lift up some black to reveal some green, and I find that most inauthentic. I also need to touch up the cat scratch and the dent. I think I will do that after laying down the kill stripes. Or maybe I should do it now before the green layer cures completely...

It is starting too look like a Fett helmet. I can't wait to hit it with the red. And I need to start on the ears soon so I can run them in parallel. The 2-3 weeks off waiting for the silver to cure is kind of a drag. I did not silver the entire helmet because I don't like the idea of taping over the metallic layer. The silver comes up way too easily leaving it darkened.
Looks awesome man!!!! And I like your idea... making stencils with the templates keep up the good work man ... I'm painting one too we're at the same point just about lol

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Wet sanding is a great way to take down the edges a bit without the sanding getting out of control. If you have never used wet sanding I would highly recommend it. It is great for smoothing and finish work.
And you see what I'm doing here...
And time to peel the tape off for the big reveal...






Now I have to either a) learn how to paint with a brush and color match my impossible-to-create green or b) start all over again. The joy of painting Fett. I should have been way more careful when removing the tape. It pulled the grey layer right off of the metallic layer.
The fact that the paint came off in a straight line across the top of the kill stripes will help to mask the transition a little.
Masking fluid.

If you are not currently using it,...........well now is a great time to start. I quite literally redid a lot of my work on my ROTJ helmet several times,
I use masking fluid for everything... except this. I reasoned tape was going to make for straighter lines and I assumed that was how everyone else was doing the kill stripes. I did prime the helmet and put tape over that, but primer doesn't come off. I have waited to lay down the silver because I didn't want to damage it with the tape... smart decision.
I can't believe I was able to match the paint color. There is a long repair mark on the helmet as the original paint was really THICK, which is why it came off in the first place. I actually used masking fluid to mask off the paint the first go round and ended up pulling off even more paint chips, so I hand painted that area on the second go round.

So one of the Kill Stripes is hand painted on. Can you tell which one?



Nice fix bud!! It's really hard to tel where the effed up part even is. Way to go man eep up the good work.

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Ooh dam...... I'm sorry lol every time I wrote a post my Tapatalk app would close before it said it was sent and when I checked to see if it posted there was nothing there lol my bad dude!

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So here is my strategy to mask off for the visor. I am going to paint the helmet portion of the right ear, then I am going to use Parafilm M to mask the dome. I will use Tamiya tape to mask the upper cheeks, lower cheeks, and rear panel with a plastic bag where I can. Talking to someone at the hobby store, she said to lay the tape down on a metal ruler or some other flat clean surface to take some of the tack off. It is only an issue on the dome, though, because that is where I laid the paint down way too thick. I am going to have to repaint it sooner or later, but I will leave it as is for now.
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