finished my first Fett piece for my Fett v2.0 (ROJ blaster)

Dustin Crops Boy

Well-Known Hunter
My first attempt at a rifle... I'm no gun expert by any stretch of the imagination and I dreaded doing this - but I decided to get it out of the way first. Of course -(as always) the pix suck and it looks better in person...






Now on to the next step.... grrr. Why did I decide to make another Fett¿?
That looks awesome DCB - very well done.

What paints did you use for the black and rust weathering - looks really good.

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It's an:
  1. HS brass cast webley...
  2. Elvis machined aluminum scope blocks and barrel & sleeve
  3. blastec rubber grips
  4. eBay "webley & scott" scope
  5. V8 part for the "skull" greeblie
  6. don't remember who i got the back rectangle greeb from
  7. I made the '2 long surfboards' shaped greeblie above the trigger this monring out of sytrene - then cast in resin.
the painting I did this:
  1. masked off the scope lenses
  2. dabbed rubber cement in places I wanted chipped.
  3. primed the whole thing (grey)
  4. painted the whole thing testors buffing metalizer 'gunmetal'
  5. buffed and sealed it
  6. used watered down testors 'rust' and 'flat black' acrylic to give it a washing and a dabbing
  7. hit it a couple places w/ sand paper (edges) to let the metal shine in spots...
  8. removed the rubber cement

Oh- and I attached the greebs w/ GOOP ... It's (I believe) a silicone based glue - this stuff is AWESOME... way better than epoxy. They are NOT falling off ever... :D
Dude that looks awesome!! Excellent work. I wish my first gun project came out half as good as yours. Looks great.
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I think that is the best RotJ blaster I have ever seen... and you know that is no small thing for me to say. Congrats! Now, file down that hammer! ;)
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That blaster looks great, awesome job! :cheers Something has bugged me about the ROTJ blaster though, since I painted mine. Why did Boba let his weapon get rusty? Anyone who has handled weapons before knows rust is horrible, you oil them and take care of them. A seasoned Bounty hunter should know that! Perhaps the prop dept. at lucasfilm doesn't :rolleyes. I don't think the ESB blaster was rusty, was it?
Nice scope....Wish I had one like that.... :) Seriously DCB, awesome looking ROTJ rifle! And you dreaded doing it? No one would ever know.... :)

hansoloway wrote:

Something has bugged me about the ROTJ blaster though, since I painted mine. Why did Boba let his weapon get rusty? Anyone who has handled weapons before knows rust is horrible, you oil them and take care of them. A seasoned Bounty hunter should know that! Perhaps the prop dept. at lucasfilm doesn't :rolleyes. I don't think the ESB blaster was rusty, was it?

True, any pro wouldn't let his main firearm get rusty like that. No, I don't think the ESB blaster was rusty, so don't know why the prop guys decided to make the ROTJ blaster rusty looking.
Very nice its a very nice. ( says in cool voice )

I might have the skills but i need to find materials thats the only problem in this small time town i'm in but its still has a lot of stuff i could check. Well Nice EE-3 Blaster, I am trying to build one of those or buy one.
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