Starting first build, thoughts on ESB or ROTJ?


New Hunter

This is my first posting in what is quickly becoming an obsession of reading and research.

I'm taking my first steps in putting together an Boba Fett outfit. I expect this to take the better part of a year to complete. My plan is to purchase high quality base pieces and to teach myself to airbrush and weather using the resources and knowledge here in these forums. Very broadly, I'm leaning toward Bobamaker for my armor needs and Clothears for my soft parts needs. I just made my first purchase, a pair of white boots from Sparrow_Fett. So... the train has left the station, as they say.

My first question is this, (and I realize much of it is a personal / gut check, but I haven't really found this asked in the forums.) Should I go ESB or ROTJ. Is there a diehard fanbase for either route? Which is more difficult to put together, especially for a novice? I'm leaning ESB at the moment, but I'm a little torn. I love how that outfit has a bit of a cohesiveness, almost militaristic feel with the consistent coloring, but the thrown-together feel of the ROTJ outfit is pretty fantastic too. I do enjoy the coloring of the Jedi backpack, (and ROTJ is my favorite film, for what it's worth.)

Anyhow, not looking for a definitive answer, but did anyone else who eventually chose a path find themselves in this same place of debate? What were the deciding factors?

Very excited to take these next steps, makes some friends along the way and build what I hope is an outfit that I can be proud of.


Salacious B. Crumb, PhD (Eric)
I'm new to this forum too, ordered my helmet from Bobamaker and like you, plan to go to him for a majority of the costume. I'm doing an ESB build because that's "true Boba Fett" to me. When I think of Boba, I picture him walking through the corridors of Cloud City rather than in Jabba's Palace but as you say - that's personal choice.

From what I've seen and read, I think ROTJ is tougher in terms of paint job. A lot more weathering and damage involved. As far as I know, that's it but I'm sure one of the more experienced members can probably help you further than I could.
You really should pick the one you love because it’s going to be a marathon that requires blood, sweat, money, and tears.


Do what will make you happy. :)
wich boba want? it should be independent from the question wich one is more difficult ;)...if u want a simple costume, boba is the wrong choice :D

build the version u like more. thats its. look at two pictures - one esb, one rotj...wich version u like more. good luck and have fun ;)
It’s all a matter personal taste. There are camps on both sides. I went with ROTJ because I like the color of the gauntlets and the jetpack. I prefer the ESB helmet to the ROTJ one though. The ROTJ SE would have probably been best for me, but I despise the special edition film so…
Like ShortFuse I also landed on ROTJ - and for almost the same reasons. I simply loved the Colors of the Jetpack and his Red Gauntlets. Sounds like you have a love ROTJ (No doubt your username of Jabbas pet - haha! (y)). For me, I like both movies (ESB & ROTJ) somewhat equally. Like you when I first started my journey back in 2019, I reviewed both Boba variants rather closely just because I knew this was gonna be a costly endeavor and I nearly landed on the ESB - simply because it woulda been easier. And I know what you mean when you say "militaristic feel", as a former soldier of the US Army (Combat Engineer from '94 to '04) there certainly is a LOT of Olive Drab coloring to the ESB costume. But for me, the more and more I looked at the ROTJ variant, and as stated above, I fell in love with the color variations.

It's funny, because the boots were my first purchase too! Mainly cause I got them as part of a "Black Friday" deal. (Imperial Boots - which sadly, they no longer sell)

Since I have Boba Maker's full cuirass of Armor, Helmet & Jetpack, I can tell you that you're looking at a very good vendor. I've had nothing but good experiences with Daz (That's Boba Maker's name). For me having good Customer Service is pretty important. As I did my research here, there were vendors that I strayed away from simply because you hear too many things about those vendors ghosting or not getting back to you for weeks/months on end. But I can tell you Daz and a lot of the other vendors that I've dealt with I've had great experiences with!

I know that Clothears does an incredibly good job on their soft products, you'll also hear of some pretty lengthy wait times, last I heard was over a year now - but that may have changed. Additionally, there are other local vendors here in the US. I see you're both from LA and NYC. In fact, not one far from you if you're in LA. Her name is Arkady and she does a helluva job on both the ESB and ROTJ flight suits! I can't speak to her current wait times, but I waited 6 months for her flightsuit. I also ordered her Hip Pouches, Ankle Spats, Vest and Neck Seal, which I opt'd to have sewn into the flight suit. I'm sure others can say the same things, in that all of Arkady's items are top notch.

Just because you mentioned Boba Maker, here is what I was able to do with his ROTJ armor...
Iron as Boba Fett.JPG

When I first started, like most I was very intimidated in doing all the painting. So I had Boba Maker paint up his Chest Armor, Shoulders and Knees - so I can't take credit for those. Daz does have reasonable paint commissions. Everything else I did via airbrush. Additionally, I have never painted one thing via airbrush and got a decent airbrush for this project. BUT, I know this project can be completed via rattle cans, so don't let me dissuade you if that's to be your preference. For me, I liked the control you have with an airbrush - and you'll find you have way more color options out there too. And yes, the difficulty level on this is pretty tough, but doable and I've read (and most will say and agree) that Boba Fett is thee most difficult costume to make within the Star Wars universe.

Those above pictures were taken last St. Patty's Day - and NOT pictured is my new Boba Maker Jetpack - as it is STILL a work in progress. The one in the photo is one I got from an Etsy user called Coz3D. I've upgraded other items since then too. Like most will say on here, you're never really done with the costume as you can always upgrade stuff on it......and I do! For an in depth look at my journey, I've detailed out what I did in great detail here: Iron's ROTJ WIP. Others have also made ROTJ WIP threads here too and I highly recommend you give those a look for different perspectives.

Best of luck in your journey!
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Honestly, when I first started out, I always thought ESB was more costly because of the additional pulse blaster and nemrod holster. But honestly, in for a penny, in for a pound. You’re gonna spend a lot either way, all depending on how accurate you want to go.

It‘s a fun journey. Go with the design and look that you find most appealing. I actually love ESB as a movie more than ROTJ, but ended up with an ROTJ suit because of the design.

Have fun!

This is my first posting in what is quickly becoming an obsession of reading and research.

I'm taking my first steps in putting together an Boba Fett outfit. I expect this to take the better part of a year to complete. My plan is to purchase high quality base pieces and to teach myself to airbrush and weather using the resources and knowledge here in these forums. Very broadly, I'm leaning toward Bobamaker for my armor needs and Clothears for my soft parts needs. I just made my first purchase, a pair of white boots from Sparrow_Fett. So... the train has left the station, as they say.

My first question is this, (and I realize much of it is a personal / gut check, but I haven't really found this asked in the forums.) Should I go ESB or ROTJ. Is there a diehard fanbase for either route? Which is more difficult to put together, especially for a novice? I'm leaning ESB at the moment, but I'm a little torn. I love how that outfit has a bit of a cohesiveness, almost militaristic feel with the consistent coloring, but the thrown-together feel of the ROTJ outfit is pretty fantastic too. I do enjoy the coloring of the Jedi backpack, (and ROTJ is my favorite film, for what it's worth.)

Anyhow, not looking for a definitive answer, but did anyone else who eventually chose a path find themselves in this same place of debate? What were the deciding factors?

Very excited to take these next steps, makes some friends along the way and build what I hope is an outfit that I can be proud of.


Salacious B. Crumb, PhD (Eric)
Its all down to personal preference i think. I went Rotj just because it was my favourite Boba growing up. Each to their own, both quite extensive builds.
Hello Everybody!

Apologies for the long spaced reply. Every single comment is appreciate. I'm happy to say that I finally made my decision. I'm going with the Classic ESB look. I flip-flopped about 5 times. But I finally decided that I liked the cohesive look of the ESB outfit.

To date I've made my first two purchases. The Boots from Sparrow Fett and the Wookie Braids from Sparrow Fett. I'm about to get my helmet from Bobamaker and the air brush / compressor from amazon. I figure by the time I get my helmet I'll have done my paint research. (acrylic / enamel, brands, stencils, technique, etc.). Between the paint up Threads, the Blaiden Props videos and the plethora of additional information, I'm only quasi nervous at the fact that I've literally never used an airbrush in my life. ;P

Do most people eventually upgrade their entire costume to use metal upgrades? (Bordon Connector / Toe Spikes / Jetpack Collar, etc?)

Next up is a master sheet up pieces / vendors / etc.

I'm excited to see where this journey is going to take me for the next year+.

-Iron - I am VERY knowledgable of your build thread. It is literally the thread that made me go... wow, this is intense. Do I really want to do this? And then I saw how it was all coming together and was like... yes, yes I do. I'm hoping by Comic Con 2023 or if Star Wars Celebration ever actually happens I'll be done with the complete suit.

I'm sure I'll have more to come, but thank you again everyone for everything. This is such a fantastic community.

- SalaciousPhD
You’re gonna love the airbrush. It’s a bit of a learning curve, but the results are worth it. I was in the same place when I started.

I don’t think there’s really a thing that ”everyone does.” Metal parts are really nice and make a huge difference in visual and tactile quality. Depending on your budget and accuracy goal, you don’t have to get them all in metal either. I really like the look, but it’s important to cost this out properly .
-Iron - I am VERY knowledgable of your build thread. It is literally the thread that made me go... wow, this is intense. Do I really want to do this? And then I saw how it was all coming together and was like... yes, yes I do. I'm hoping by Comic Con 2023 or if Star Wars Celebration ever actually happens I'll be done with the complete suit.

I'm sure I'll have more to come, but thank you again everyone for everything. This is such a fantastic community.

- SalaciousPhD
That's good to know I've left some kind of impression (Sounded pretty positive). As DeathProof mentioned it is a little bit of a learning curve, but yes, the results are fantastic! You'll also love the control and again, the color options. I also, was a first timer to the world of airbrushing.

You mentioned the Comic Con's and Star Wars Celebration. Here was me last December (2021) at the ECCC (Emerald City Comic Con). It was my very first Con and I had an absolute blast!
ECCC - Dec 4th 2021.jpg

Hello Everybody!

Apologies for the long spaced reply. Every single comment is appreciate. I'm happy to say that I finally made my decision. I'm going with the Classic ESB look. I flip-flopped about 5 times. But I finally decided that I liked the cohesive look of the ESB outfit.

To date I've made my first two purchases. The Boots from Sparrow Fett and the Wookie Braids from Sparrow Fett. I'm about to get my helmet from Bobamaker and the air brush / compressor from amazon. I figure by the time I get my helmet I'll have done my paint research. (acrylic / enamel, brands, stencils, technique, etc.). Between the paint up Threads, the Blaiden Props videos and the plethora of additional information, I'm only quasi nervous at the fact that I've literally never used an airbrush in my life. ;P

Do most people eventually upgrade their entire costume to use metal upgrades? (Bordon Connector / Toe Spikes / Jetpack Collar, etc?)

Next up is a master sheet up pieces / vendors / etc.

I'm excited to see where this journey is going to take me for the next year+.

-Iron - I am VERY knowledgable of your build thread. It is literally the thread that made me go... wow, this is intense. Do I really want to do this? And then I saw how it was all coming together and was like... yes, yes I do. I'm hoping by Comic Con 2023 or if Star Wars Celebration ever actually happens I'll be done with the complete suit.

I'm sure I'll have more to come, but thank you again everyone for everything. This is such a fantastic community.

- SalaciousPhD

Empire all the way!! I’m with BudaFett on this one good luck!
I sometimes look at mine and think i wish I'd done ESB but if i did I'd probably be looking at it thinking i wish I'd done ROTJ. Only one solution, just get busy making another one :-)
I sometimes look at mine and think i wish I'd done ESB but if i did I'd probably be looking at it thinking i wish I'd done ROTJ. Only one solution, just get busy making another one :)
I too found myself in that same boat. Looking at my ROTJ and wondering what it would be like if I had the ESB too. Then I recall the blood, sweat and tears (and cash) that went into my ROTJ - and I'm quickly brought back to reality. Hahaha!

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