Finally got around to it...


New Hunter
So this is my first attempt at rockin' a bucket. I've been sitting on this '95 DP for a couple of years now and I figured it was about time I did something with it since All Hallow's Eve is fast approaching. It's still far from done but this is what I did today so far. I dunno... I think I went a bit too crazy and out there with the weathering but what the heck, I'm the one that's gonna be wearing it. Anyway's, check it out and if anyone's got some feedback to provide (good or bad or helpful) that would be superly duperly appreciated... thanx and aloha!






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Hi and welcome to the board.
That's an excellent paint job and top weathering too. No need to worry about too much of that. Just some kill stripes and dirtying up etc and and your'e good to go.
Keep us updated on the progress.
looks really good man!!

but I'd add the dark grey/blue like scratches around the silver parts on the red visor a bit more (like on the ESB bucket)

but that's just me..

Looks really good!!! :cheers
yup, tone down the red but its FANTASTIC job no less !

BTW- here at the TDH, we're Ohana (sorry if I butchered that up, I get mistaken for hawaiin so much, I ended up loving the culture !)
thanx gang (or in Got Maul's case, mahalo) for your input. so i added the stripes like pooper suggested, more grey a la R boba fett, and dulled the red as advised by BobaNoob and Got Maul and also reattached the rangefinder and trimmed down the inside so i could get a better fit with my visor. anything else i can do before i stick that puppy in there?






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That is looking soooo good!
I plan on doing a weathering job on my Jango in the form of Boba damage and would be mighty pleased if I could get anywhere near that standard.
ok gang.. here it is in all it's "all pau" glory. thanx everybody for your tips and comments. i really appreciate all the help. sorry the gif is kinda small though. damn file size restrictions.



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