Finally completed my costume


New Hunter
This is the first time I am posting this costume on the net.
It took several months but it's finally done.
I took freedom in adding more battle damage because
I felt he need more realism.
I hope you all like.




WOW!!! This is a great costume. I like the way you interpret "battle damage". I think you did a great job on this. Maybe a better Mannequin would give your masterpiece a bettter appereance...
WOW!!! This is a great costume. I like the way you interpret "battle damage". I think you did a great job on this. Maybe a better Mannequin would give your masterpiece a bettter appereance...

Thanks man!
No new Mannequin. Budget is in the negatives.
Looks good! One thing I noticed is that the gauntlet hoses should go up the sleeve instead of attatch to the jet pack.

Yeah, that was a decision were I felt it looked better going to the jetback.
It makes the costume look meaner and wider.
looks great Aaron, you did an awesome job buddy!! where's the flack vest? is your armor attached to your harness straps?

The Flack vest is in there.
The armor is attached to it.

The jetback is attached to a simple backpack, that's it.
Simple to take off and on.
I really like the way you made the scrapes and scratches on your armor. It's very unique. Do you have any close-ups of it?

No I don’t (not my camera) but I would say 85% are all real scrapes and scuffs.
I used rocks, screwdrivers, blades, paints and everything to beat it up.
A natural beating.
About the accuracy. When I was building it I was thinking to myself "this dude had to have gotten dirtier then this?".
Once I started on the knee guards I could not look back.
It looks so real in person and I'm glad I went with that direction.
I strongly recommend it.
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