

Active Hunter
To even out the damage on a DP deluxe and get a smoother helmet ala AOTC one would need to fill out the dremeled battle scars, what would be the best way to do this? any techniques that you prefer? how do you make the filler stick to the helmet? and does the material take paint well?
Thank you,
- Jorge
Plastic autobody filler is the best thing to use. Just make sure you "key" the areas that need to be filled with 80 grit sandpaper to provide the best adhesion. Once you prime the helmet, you will have an excellent surfeace for paint!
I tried some modeling putty on some of the more incospicuous scratches; Lets see how that turns out. If it doesn't work as well as I hope it does, I'll try some bondo even though the thought of doing the entire helmet kind of intimidates me.

Baddblood wrote:

Modeling putty didn't work well. even after it dried it kept absorbing the primer coats... I guess Bondo's the next step.

It'll do that at times, it usually does. As long as your satisfed with filled defect and it is smooth, the paint will cover it fine.

I have used modeling putty most my life.

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