Fiberglass Gauntlet Attachment to the arm?


Well-Known Hunter
OK everyone I'm wondering how everyone is doing it? How are you keeping it on your arm and keeping it from shifting? I have a set of SFP gauntlets that are made from fiberglass. I looked around on here didn't see any thing for fiberglass gauntlets. Any ideas would help here.
Sticky back Foam that goes around door frames or air conditioner frames. PUt them inside the bottom half and top of the gauntlets and put the on tight and they wont turn on your wrist.
You could do what I did on my friends (he has tiny arms). Take a peice of elastic and glue it into the top side of the gauntelt, smaller than your arm of course. Then when the glue drys you just slip you arm into the loop and boom it holds. I did it on my stormtrooper forearms also. I did this as opposed to the padding as it lets air flow better and is less hot.
Hi Shortimer 52, what do you have used to close your SFP Gauntlets. These little spikes that they have integrated on the bottom of the gauntlets come off too easily. :cry
Mine close really well, But im working on the problem right now b/c I know ill break them sooner or later. So what I was going to do is velcro the inside of the bottom half and some of the top half. Then velcro the arm of the jumpsuit ( kind of like BH2372 says to)and hope for the best. I dont know if that would be the smart way to go with it or not. then im trying to figure out how to keep it from shifting. only only thing is soft foam and some straps to keep it tight. I got small forarms so its been kind of a pain.
You want to see how I did the straps, here you go. I know the pics suck but you get the idea.

I did something similar to my SFP gauntlets. I took a couple of cheap digital watches ($9.99) with velcro wristbands. I epoxied the faceplate of the watch to the top of the inside of the gauntlet. I just strap them on and close the clamshell. It holds so strong, I can swing my arms wildly and they wont budge.

I used only one watch on the gaunt without the missile and it worked just fine.

zxwing wrote:

I did something similar to my SFP gauntlets. I took a couple of cheap digital watches ($9.99) with velcro wristbands. I epoxied the faceplate of the watch to the top of the inside of the gauntlet. I just strap them on and close the clamshell. It holds so strong, I can swing my arms wildly and they wont budge.

I used only one watch on the gaunt without the missile and it worked just fine.

That is outstanding, I had the same idea in my head but couldn't figure out where the straps came from. Now I know where im going with this.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK I got it figured out, I was wondering around Lowe's today in a daze and I came across this

Last 3 Pic's at the bottom. It's only 5 bucks I think maybe less then that but they come in diffrent sizes. You have to cut it down a little and sew it back together but a lot cheeper then 10 bones with the watches. This is the answer to the problems. Im going to glue the you know what out of mine and see how it works. Sorry about the link but im still trying to figure out how to post pic's on here.
Well, I tryed the Predatormv method as a provisonal arrangement and came to the conclusion that SFP gauntlets are too heavy for simple straps glued into the gauntlets with hot melt glue. :cry
I agree Predatormv. I mixed up a big batch of two part epoxy and just poured it in the gauntlet in a pool about one inch square and placed the wacth face in it overnight. You can pretty much tear the watch strap off the watch but that epoxy is going nowhere.
2 part epoxy, Good to know.:thumbsup:
One alternative might be to use resin, small fiberglass mats and a hardener, so the watches are condemned to stay in the gauntlets forever and there’s no was that they accidently come off, even when it’s hot! 8)
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