Fiberglass armor

trooper rushmore

Active Hunter
Fiberglass armor w/pics!!!

I got my Fiberglass armor and compared to my sintra set this stuff is awesome! If your looking to get a set I highly recommend fiberglass and if you want to know who I got mine from(I'll Post pictures when I'm done painting) send me a PM....I wish I would have invested in a quality set of fiberglass the 1st time :thumbsup:

OK...updated upper armor painted(ROTJ accurate), with my 1st run bucket(non-accurate)...cod, back, and rump armor is still drying as is the jet I get my MS2 painted up to ROTJ and my ammo belt in I'll be complete..:)


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Jaiden, I purchased the armor already molded and primed. The only things I had to do was paint and attach. I would HIGHLY recommend the person who made the armor. If you want to know who PM me(I already PM'd you jaiden) with the info. :)
dgasser, I wish I would have saved my money & gotten fiberglass from the's more expensive but the quality and apperance is far superior(if you get from a good maker). I paid 4 times the price for my fiberglass compared to sintra...but if you want a high quality Boba I personally believe this is a must. I would not skimp on the helmet or the armor. When people look at your costume I think the helmet is the 1st thing they look at then the body armor...just my own opinion tho...
Thanks for your input !!!

stormtrooper@rushmore said:
dgasser, I wish I would have saved my money & gotten fiberglass from the's more expensive but the quality and apperance is far superior(if you get from a good maker). I paid 4 times the price for my fiberglass compared to sintra...but if you want a high quality Boba I personally believe this is a must. I would not skimp on the helmet or the armor. When people look at your costume I think the helmet is the 1st thing they look at then the body armor...just my own opinion tho...
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