Spray Paint for ROTJ Green Armor (Rust-Oleum Preferred)

Bob A Feet

Jr Hunter
Hi everyone,

I'll continue searching around on here and other places online, but can anyone recommend a spray paint (Rust-Oleum preferred) for the main armor green color? I'm going to paint the 3 chest pieces, center diamond, and collar plate for sure. Might do the cod / kidney and back plate at some time in the future.

I've heard people mention Spruce Green, but that's for ESB; not sure if it'll make much of a difference.

It doesn't have to be perfect, but I'm doing my best to be close. I know I can darken the color with a wash later on if necessary.


- Anthony
For my armor I used Rustoleum hunt club green. It's a little hard to find at the big box stores but I got lucky at a local ace hardware that had a couple cans and I snatched up every can lol

I've never seen the army green but it might be a better match as the CRL armor has a bit more of a drab color to it.
For my armor I used Rustoleum hunt club green. It's a little hard to find at the big box stores but I got lucky at a local ace hardware that had a couple cans and I snatched up every can lol

I've never seen the army green but it might be a better match as the CRL armor has a bit more of a drab color to it.
Thanks for sharing! On the Hunt Club Green, did you go with a satin finish or gloss? I think I've seen it offered in both, but would think satin is better.

FWIW, I think your armor came out great!
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The first link doesn't bring up a paint unfortunately and the second one for some reason looks a lot lighter.

This is the one I used:
Screenshot_20220419-154321_Ace Hardware.jpg

I agree with AlphaCloneFett on it being a bit too dark. It's more of a black green and a black mist will only darken it. But if you have to use a rattle can it's probably the best available right now I think.

Are you strictly going rattle cans or you have an airbrush?
The first link doesn't bring up a paint unfortunately and the second one for some reason looks a lot lighter.

This is the one I used:

I agree with AlphaCloneFett on it being a bit too dark. It's more of a black green and a black mist will only darken it. But if you have to use a rattle can it's probably the best available right now I think.

Are you strictly going rattle cans or you have an airbrush?
I'm strictly doing rattle cans; this is my 1st Fett build and I haven't invested in an airbrush yet.

Looking at a post by stormtrooperguy, I'm going to follow his build:

Assuming you're working with something non-metal, do the standard prime and coat silver thing.

The Striping Yellow is an inverted can, so you spray upside down. It's the best match to the color that I've been able to find in a spray can.

After the yellow, I do a layer of Spruce Green on the ab plate only. This is for the light scratches where the rifle stock hits the armor.

The Hunt Club Green is the finish color, with black misted fairly heavily in some areas, as can be seen in the photos.
This is what I did as well, just be careful with the striping yellow. I have a can but I didn't like spraying it so I opted for a different yellow.
Yeah, I ended up using that yellow for the shoulders and knees. I think it worked well enough:



The lighter yellow is Rust-Oleum Lemongrass, which I still have some of. I might use some of that for the yellow on the chest pieces, but am currently undecided. Not sure if I could "mix" them while spraying to get kind of a lighter shade. The Line Striping Yellow is probably close enough, however.
one quick thing i wanted to point out is that this post was from before montana, molotow, etc... were readily available in like 200 colors. there was a lot of "this is the best you can get at home depot in 2008" going on in my old thread. :)
Looks good! You used the striping yellow for the shoulder and knee armor?
Thanks! And yup, I used the same yellow for both. It was the yellow I used on the jetpack too, actually :lol:

one quick thing i wanted to point out is that this post was from before montana, molotow, etc... were readily available in like 200 colors. there was a lot of "this is the best you can get at home depot in 2008" going on in my old thread. :)
Well, for a "budget" build it's still the best you can get a Home Depot / Lowe's / Ace Hardware (AKA "locally") in 2022 as well :p
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