Fett Project Finally started

Hi Folks,

i finally got round to making a start on my Fett project today and i started with the Shoulder bells to keep it simple.

This was about the 3rd time i had used an air brush, it took me a while to get the finish to the way i wanted it but i am very surprised and pleased with the way they have turned out .

Here are the pics below, any comments are welcomed as usual.


Homer- Fett
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WannaBeBoba said:
Very cool!
Are you going to be doing ROTJ or ESB Boba?

Looking good so far. Keep up the great work! :)

Hi Folks,

Thanks for the words of encouragment , i am gonna be going down the ROTJ route as i don't see to much of these even the helmet will be ROTJ we need more of them IMO.

More to come as i get them finished :cheers .

well folks,

I have been busy for the past 2 days working on my chest pieces and I am pleased things are working out for me for a change :wink: , while this is not as difficult as I first thought there is still allot of work involved and quite alot of prep work to be done but I am enjoying it none the less.

I rotated the armour plates as one was drying I started on another to help things along but I started off with the base coat of tamiya chrome silver, I did 3 thin layers so not to mess it up one this was dry I marked out the battle damaged areas with a light pencil using reference from the Boba fett reference CD that I have and combined with pics that I took at AOSW in Edinburgh and other pics I then applied the liquid masking fluid to the areas marked out.

I then sprayed the second coat of paint on which was Americana Yellow Ochre from Hobby craft again I did 3 thin layers to build it up letting each layer dry before starting again.

once the second layer was dry I applied more masking fluid around the area's where I had masked before but allowing for small area's around the first layer so as to allow the yellow ochre so be seen round the silver base coat.

then the last layers were applied which was more thin layers of Tamiya field Grey which is in fact a dark green lol ( go figure) .

All that remains to be done is the layer of dirt to be added then I will need to lacquer them to protect it.

here is the end result and about a day and half's work.


Comments and criticism are always welcome.

:D amazing!! looks great!!

only tip I have is to dirty them up, but you allready said you were gonna do that.

Something that works really nice aswell is not to just spray dirty colors on it, but wash it up with a few tints of different greens aswell :)
Hi Dan,

Thanks mate i have some more updates following shortly as i have the cod piece , centre piece , collar piece & Knee's all nearly complete so i just have to weather the lot and seal it all but once thye are dry i will get pics up.

Thanks for the kind words everyone.

Hi Folks,

been busy working on the rest of my fett Armour i have done a little more from my last update here are the pics , i hope you all like them.

First off is a pics of all the chest plates.

Secondly is the Cod piece bare in mind these have all yet to be weathered.

More to do and other things to work on i am leaving the most fun part to last the Helmet LOL:love

I will keep everyone up to date with my progress as i work on everything.

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